PureBytes Links
Trading Reference Links
[e-mail me directly if you would like a copy of this as a straight text
file - that may be a bit more readable as far as column alignment is
This bug is an incorrect reference when using the subscript notation (
The following simple TS6 "strategy" produced the data in the
table which follows. Three days of data were loaded into the
chart and data2 was "hidden".
{ Data1 = SPU02
Data2 = $ADV
Vars: Span(10);
Print (file("c:\temp\test.txt"),date:7:0," ",time:4:0," ",close of
data1:5:0," ",close of data2:5:0," | ",
time[span]:4:0," ",close[span] of data1:5:0," ",close[span] of
data2:5:0," | ",
time[10]:4:0," ",close[10] of data1:5:0," ",close[10] of data2:5:0);
In the following, compare @1 with *1 (10 bars apart).
Note that D1[10] references the correct data, whereas
D2[10} actually references the value 11 bars back when
the reference spans the day break.
Then check the second day break. This time BOTH D1 AND D2
back references are incorrect! (On the 3rd day break, deleted
from this copy, the D1 back reference was again correct!)
--- current ---- --- [ span ] --- --- [
10 ] ----
Date T D1 D2 T D1 D2 T D1
1020611 1200 1023 1301 | 1055 1029 1398 | 1055 1029 1398
1020611 1205 1022 1276 | 1100 1028 1404 | 1100 1028 1404
1020611 1210 1022 1267 | 1105 1029 1413 | 1105 1029 1413
1020611 1215 1021 1254 | 1120 1026 1404 | 1120 1026 1404
1020611 1215 1021 1252 | 1120 1026 1376 | 1120 1026 1376
1020611 1225 1021 1265 | 1125 1026 1383 | 1125 1026 1383
1020611 1230 1018 1228 | 1130 1027 1409 | 1130 1027 1409 @1
1020611 1235 1017 1226 | 1135 1026 1375 | 1135 1026 1375
1020611 1240 1017 1209 | 1145 1026 1365 | 1145 1026 1365
1020611 1245 1015 1194 | 1150 1024 1324 | 1150 1024 1324
1020611 1250 1016 1180 | 1155 1024 1301 | 1155 1024 1301
1020611 1255 1015 1169 | 1200 1023 1276 | 1200 1023 1276
1020611 1300 1014 1168 | 1205 1022 1267 | 1205 1022 1267
1020611 1305 1014 1177 | 1210 1022 1254 | 1210 1022 1254
1020611 1310 1015 1177 | 1215 1021 1252 | 1215 1021 1252
1020611 1315 1015 1177 | 1225 1021 1252 | 1225 1021 1252 @2
1020612 635 1014 803 | 1230 1018 1265 | 1230 1018 1265 *1 @3
1020612 640 1013 914 | 1235 1017 1228 | 1235 1017 1228
1020612 645 1016 1100 | 1240 1017 1226 | 1240 1017 1226
1020612 650 1014 1135 | 1245 1015 1209 | 1245 1015 1209
1020612 655 1017 1199 | 1250 1016 1194 | 1250 1016 1194
1020612 700 1019 1300 | 1255 1015 1180 | 1255 1015 1180
1020612 705 1018 1375 | 1300 1014 1169 | 1300 1014 1169
1020612 710 1017 1374 | 1305 1014 1168 | 1305 1014 1168
1020612 715 1016 1364 | 1310 1015 1177 | 1310 1015 1177
1020612 720 1015 1372 | 1315 1015 1177 | 1315 1015 1177 *2
1020612 725 1018 1413 | 635 1014 803 | 635 1014 803 *3
1020612 730 1019 1495 | 640 1013 914 | 640 1013 914
1020612 735 1019 1477 | 645 1016 1100 | 645 1016 1100
***** [deletion] ******
1020612 1205 1012 1219 | 1115 1015 1287 | 1115 1015 1287
1020612 1205 1012 1251 | 1115 1015 1228 | 1115 1015 1228
1020612 1215 1017 1269 | 1120 1012 1218 | 1120 1012 1218
1020612 1220 1018 1289 | 1125 1011 1210 | 1125 1011 1210
1020612 1220 1018 1294 | 1125 1011 1222 | 1125 1011 1222
1020612 1230 1015 1302 | 1130 1011 1197 | 1130 1011 1197
1020612 1235 1022 1411 | 1135 1014 1191 | 1135 1014 1191
1020612 1240 1022 1455 | 1140 1014 1218 | 1140 1014 1218
1020612 1240 1022 1499 | 1140 1014 1220 | 1140 1014 1220
1020612 1250 1022 1502 | 1145 1011 1239 | 1145 1011 1239
1020612 1255 1021 1503 | 1150 1013 1219 | 1150 1013 1219
1020612 1300 1022 1541 | 1155 1013 1251 | 1155 1013 1251
1020612 1305 1022 1536 | 1200 1013 1269 | 1200 1013 1269
1020612 1310 1021 1539 | 1205 1012 1289 | 1205 1012 1289
1020612 1315 1022 1539 | 1215 1017 1289 | 1215 1017 1289
1020613 635 1019 703 | 1220 1018 1294 | 1220 1018 1294
1020613 640 1018 926 | 1230 1015 1302 | 1230 1015 1302
1020613 645 1018 987 | 1235 1022 1411 | 1235 1022 1411
1020613 650 1019 1020 | 1240 1022 1455 | 1240 1022 1455
1020613 655 1018 1056 | 1250 1022 1499 | 1250 1022 1499
1020613 700 1018 1096 | 1255 1021 1502 | 1255 1021 1502
1020613 705 1017 1101 | 1300 1022 1503 | 1300 1022 1503
1020613 710 1013 950 | 1305 1022 1541 | 1305 1022 1541
1020613 715 1013 959 | 1310 1021 1536 | 1310 1021 1536
1020613 720 1012 938 | 1315 1022 1539 | 1315 1022 1539
1020613 725 1014 982 | 635 1019 703 | 635 1019 703
1020613 730 1013 1015 | 640 1018 926 | 640 1018 926