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Re: AdvancedGET

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> That's great John.  One should go with whatever works for you. Problem is,
> if
> what you have now works better than AGET tools, its not saying much, as
> YOU,
> AGET tools didn't work!!

Yes, Adrian, that's what I have said several times. Again, if it works for
you, that's great but as for me and all the other traders that I know that
have tried it, it didn't work for their needs.

> I know AGET has been around for quite a few years, but I never new
> Shakespeare used
> the program as well?  WOW....or perhaps I am mixing him up and he's just a
> mate of yours
> around the corner?

I thought it was obvious I was paraphrasing.

> I think you take life too seriously John.  You do realise I was joking
> I said I became a Brain Surgeon in 3hours!! LOL  I think most readers here
> would
> have caught the drift of my words.

Of course, and you know I was joking when I suggested you use your abilities
as a surgeon to help yourself, right?

> If you told any successful trader in the world, one from the Market Wizard
> book perhaps,
> that you tried for days and days to learn if you could make money and
> decided it didn't
> work, they would laugh.  Most of these people go through years and years
> learning
> before becoming successful.

It's one thing to work for years to be successful in trading but it's a
whole other thing to waste countless hours on a piece of software that
clearly doesn't work for someone's needs. Does it take you years to realize
a piece of software doesn't work or serve your needs? If you said yes to
that, most people would laugh at you for such an admission.

> Perhaps you need a new PC or perhaps do a complete reinstall of your o/s.
The computer I was using at the time far exceeded the minimum requirements
of AG and I did spend a considerable amount of time with their tech support
who simply could not figure out the problem despite several re-installs. The
tech rep. finally gave up and said he couldn't help me. So, coupled with the
fact the software did not perform to expectations, I shipped it back the
next day.

> As far as I am concerned john, I would be very happy if you PROVED to me
> that
> 99% of buyers of AGET couldn't make it work for them.  Because that means
> the
> tools will be even more successful over time.
When did I say that 99% of users of AG would not like it? Why are you
putting words in my mouth? As I have repeated over and over, AG did not work
for me or anyone I know that tried it. Glad it works for you. That's all I
can say about it.

> BTW, you show your lack of objectiveness when you start making rash
> that
> I have a financial interest in selling AGET.  I don't.  If you had
You displayed your lack of objectiveness when you made this a personal rant
against me and denying that it was essentially impossible for anyone not to
find AG a great piece of trading software.

> one iota of research you would find I work for an investment bank, NOT any
> of the
> distributors here in Australia. do you even know where Australia is?  Its

Yes, and do you know where the U.S. is? Hint: It's west of your alleged
location. Of course, we don't really know that you're in Australia. As far
as we know, you're in the Trading Techniques office typing as fast as you
can to scam more traders out of their money. Tragic. LOL

I don't care who or where you're from or who you say you work for. Your
bizarre rants are indicative of someone that has something to lose or gain
from AG and that's all that matters.

> I wasn't promoting the software as you put it John.

You are doing a heck of a job promoting something that you insist wish were
off the market. Aren't you? Have you heard me promoting what I use? Think
about it, Adrian.

>Just as Don
> Ewers
> has pointed out, it works for some and not others.
Oddly, you missed the part where I said essentially the same thing.

>Its NOT a black box, it
> does
> require a modest level of intelligence to get the best out of it and ALSO
> some
> trading experience to appreciate the risk/reward scenario's of trading,
> I
> think that is all yet to catch up with you in your limited trading career
> 4 years.
Sorry, but that's nonsense. It doesn't take long to figure out whether
something works or does not. I said that I have been trading for four years
but I have been studying far longer. AG did not work for my needs. The fact
is that it does not work for alot of traders that I have spoken to about it.
And some of the those traders own their own trading companies and have been
trading for many years so please spare me the nonsense about devoting years
of study to AG before you can make it work for you.

> I do agree that without some of the proprietary tools the program would be
> over
> priced. I don't appreciate being called a liar though John, but as its
> coming from
> someone who would rather attack than provide helpful information I am not
> offended,
> since I don't really care for people like yourself, only genuine people
> are
> happy to help even if that means constructive criticism.
You are the one who turned this into a personal insult fest. You are the one
who decided to attack my opinion about AG and my findings that it did not
work for my needs and to my expectations. If you don't like what you see,
then it's because you're staring in a mirror. Learn from your mistakes,

> If you told Tom Joseph or the firm that just recently bought Trading
> Techniques Inc that their software (AGET EOD, AGET Real time, Trade
> Finder)was junk, I'm not sure if Tom wouldn't be able to stop laughing or
> whether he might shoot you for being so insulted by such rude comments.
Of course they're laughing. They're laughing all the way to the bank with
money they made off suckers who bought AG thinking that it was going to be
vastly superior to anything they had used before. And Adrian, contrary to
what you've read in your local newspaper, people don't shoot other people in
the U.S. over bad trading software. Although, after paying that kind of
money for AG to find that it didn't work to expectations, one might consider
it. LOL

> Who is "We" John?  If you don't believe that's fine. That's your choice.
> But it is NOT
> your right to decide who else on this list believes me or not.  But once

Just me and the people who have e-mailed me telling me that they think
you're full of it.

>I am not concerned about those people who
> disbelieve me.
> I'm only interested in informing those genuine open minded people, who
> appreciate
> informative, truthful and helpful comments.
My sentiments exactly.

> Good luck in your trading John,
> Adrian Pitt
And you in yours, Adrian.
