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Re: Ebay 89.12% profitable trades...Dr Clayburg day trading Systems

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Okey,Dokey,thanks-just delurking.. 

">:-)" wrote:
> : I am intriqued by the word you used below-ie: "delurks" \does this
> : perhaps mean that you have coined a new english word describing that the
> : world knows that TomD is/was a member here,and may accidently post a
> : private message,-publicly?-every now and then?
> Has nothing to do with TD_Whatever. In the old days when the internet was
> nothing more than emails and usenet, people who peruse the usenet newsgroups
> without posting were known as 'lurkers' and their activities as 'lurking'.
> When they post or respond to a thread, they are known to 'delurk'.