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RE: the least among you rants...

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Every one should post at least one message to the list  ,  for this event
has changed the world and has forced everyone to re-evalute the things that
are important to us. As for me i am a man of few words.

This terrorist attack is a cancer.
It must be cut out.
I dont care how it is done but it must be completely removed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Goldberg [mailto:lagoldberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 8:33 AM
To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: OT: the least among you rants...

I appreciate this list and it's erudite membership immensely.  From my own
pedestrian and myopic vantage point I state that:

The USA is the greatest nation on earth despite our many shortcomings.
That is so because this is the country that saved my people sixty-some
years ago, for which I am eternally grateful.

Also, more people live better within our borders than anywhere else in the
world.  Also, the rest of the world lives better because we exist and that
includes the third world countries who pant for the scraps off of our
table.  The other industrialized nations benefit from virtually
unrestrained access to our free markets, our democratic-capitalistic model,
generous credit, and post WWII reconstruction in two hemispheres. The list
of good things we enjoy and do for others is too long to mention here.  It
ought not even be necessary.  Visit almost anywhere else in the world and
take a few steps off the beaten path and you'll see how the rest of the
world lives.

The best thing that could happen to any country, including those that hate
us, is if they could become another star on our flag.  Maybe the underlying
(and forever tacit) impetus of the EU is an attempt to emulate our grand
experiment of 1776 and thereby enjoy more of what we do?

Sadly, the human genotype is about a zillion mutations away from ever being
able to achieve the universal utopian dream that some of us aspire to.  So
the world remains a selfish, predatory place that no amount of dreamy-eyed
idealism and wishful thinking will change.  The predators, our enemies,
look at our kindness and generosity as weaknesses that they can exploit.

Our enemies are quite willing to take whatever they can get from us and
then use the proceeds to plan and effect our destruction.  The god damned
nazis and the god damned japanese [sic] did it with our lend-lease scrap
metal and manufacturing machinery that eventually produced the bullets and
shrapnel that killed our sons.  (I am aware of the theory that we goaded
Japan into attacking us in order to justify our entry into the war.  I
don't buy it because when we closed the spigot on their pan-Asian
expansionist dreams, they chose to ally with the axis, so fuck them. [sic])

Today OPEC does it by trading oil for dollars.  It's easy for them because
we just gotta have the luxury of a few hundred people driving in a few
hundred cars to the same location at the same time every day.  See
headlines of Sept. 11, 2001 for insight into where those dollars go.

China does it by selling us cheap coffee mugs and tee-shirts produced by
slave labor.  Then the dollars go to buy apologists like Feinstein-Hillary,
et al , to buy or steal our technology and expand their military
capabilities with us as their prime target, and to create more slave labor
infrastructure so they can sell us more cheap shit we don't even need.  All
the while, Jiang grins like a jackal and makes like a waiter at your
favorite restaurant.

We have a lot of friends and allies in this world, god bless them and
freedom-loving, well-intentioned people everywhere.  But we also have a lot
of enemies in this cruel world.  Machiavelli was right....IF WE ARE NOT THE

There is not really a gigantic gray area between right and wrong and good
and evil as so many modern thinkers would have us believe.  People of all
faiths and all nationalities have demonstrated that since September 11th.
It's time for the idealists to return to the ivory tower.  They serve a
useful purpose but we can no longer afford them.  It is time for realists
and pragmatists to acknowledge what is and then do whatever it takes to
destroy our enemies because they intend to destroy us.  Our first
responsibility and duty is to preserve ourselves.  That is true for America
and our allied nations around the world.  There is no shame in saying it
and there is no shame in doing it.

Long live freedom and capitalism.  They are the hope of the world.

Death to our enemies.