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Re: Released on Tuesday

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Hello  Michael,

MB> With all due respect, I'm sure in the next few weeks we'll
MB> also find that Nostradamus predicted this, not to mention a
MB> number of more recent psychics.

actually  somewhere  on the net i have seen the Nostradamus prediction
of  this event.  my point was that some corporations will use anything
to  promote  their  business, such as that album cover.  reminds me of
other things i see.

MB> Unfortunately it seems the intelligence community might need
MB> even this assistance.

i  think  all  we would have to do to know, who did what-  would be to
send  an  email  to  the  Israelis  and ask them.  and since we are so
indecisive  maybe  we  could  just let the Israelis also carry out the
disciplinary actions as well.

having  a  background  in high rise construction, i can tell you i was
amazed that the structures held up as long as they did on one hand and
amazed that they collapsed on the other hand.  let me explain.

i  had  no  idea  what  type  of  construction  those  building  were.
evidently   i   belive   that  they  were  contract  primarily  still
construction  rather  than concrete as speculated.  primarily the dust
everyone  is  seeing  is  most  likely  from the millions of sheets of
sheetrock   which   is   used  as  a  fireproofing agent.  in the '60s
sheetrock  still  contained asbestos, and I believe up until the early

there  was a lot of concrete on the external curtainwall, it looked as
though  the  structure had concrete exterior supports vertically.  you
can  see  these  vertical  supports  still standing as the building is
collapsing.   these  supports  act like ribs to help resist swaying as
well  as  add  support.   so  strongly  support  for  the building was
actually  in  the  exterior walls.  once the plane penetrated exterior
wall the fire and collision weakened the internal structure.

by  contrast  most  construction  techniques  today involve creating a
solid  concrete core where your elevator shafts, restrooms, stairways
and  utility  shafts are all enclosed a monolithic concrete structure.
then  your  exterior  walls  are  non  load  bearing.   this method of
construction  also  has  the  benefits  because  it allows for maximum
windows  space  which leases at a premium.  on the opposite end of the
spectrum other examples of external load bearing construction would be
the Sears Tower Chicago. you can recognize this by the supports on the
exterior which interrupt your view from the interior.

the  reason  the  building  took  an  hour to collapse can be directly
attributed  to  the  good  old asbestos fireproofing which is one hour
rated  at columns and two hour rated at the core.  I am surprised that
the fire sprinkler system (which I'm guessing that it had) didn't help
any  more  than  it did.  even if the lines had been severed it should
have  helped  much  more  than  I  saw.  i can tell you this also, the
toughest  job in world right now is being one of those rescue workers.

they  are  actually  reliving this event twice now.  I am like many on
this  list  probably  who  are  still  in  shock.  But I would like to
acknowledge  the  condolences  from  all  our  foreign compatriots who
extended their thoughts and prayers to us here in America.

MB> Have Great Day,  Mark Brown



Have a Great Day, Mark
