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Re: God Bless America

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Thank you very much for your thoughts.  This list has a way of bonding
people from around the world in more ways than just technically. Most
Americans have ties to other countries. My great grandfather was from
Germany. He came over abt. 1886. his name was Frederick Brunk. Although this
is just a very small part of my lineage it is a tie that binds. This is a
sad time for us and reflects that we can't intercede in world affairs
without paying a price. Those who wish to strike back with vengeance don't
seem to realize that the death of a thousand terrorists can not make up for
the loss of one of our lives. I have been glued to my TV, watching the news
reports, our brave firemen and policemen, we can't forget them.
If we view the answer to this crisis is revenge than we have become one of
them and we have become part of the problem. It is only through wise
diplomacy that we can solve this problem. I'm afraid that what I have seen
for the last 30 years has been anything but that.
We have created fertile ground for the hatred of America by picking allies
and over injecting ourselves in other parts of the world. For that we pay.
We will survive, though.

Just a little over a year ago I was in N.Y. City in June 2000 attending the
OmegaWorld convention there. Dancing, being a hobby of mine got me out each
night. One of my fondest memories was attending a swing night at Window of
the World Restaurant and Bar at the top of the World Trade Center building.
It was incredible. Now it is just a memory, a very fond one.  At one point I
walked over to the window with a gal I had befriended. The distance down is
so incredible she couldn't even walk over. She crawled as we got close and
peeked down. LOL. There is a spirit and a life to many parts of our country
and I was happy to make NYC a part of my life for that week. Our country
will survive, we will need to make changes, however.

Thanks to all the O'Listers around the world for your thoughts and prayers
during this time.

Jim Bronke
Phoenix, AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "MikeSuesserott" <MikeSuesserott@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <realtraders@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>;
<metastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <qcharts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 6:01 PM
Subject: God Bless America

: Like so many of you, I feel deeply for the terrible tragedy that has
: occurred. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families,
: and with the American people.
: Germany is in shock. All public building are flagged at half-mast. In
: uninterrupted streams for the past 30 or so hours, people have been
: flowers in front of the American embassy in Berlin, and the American
: consulates in other cities. During working hours, you could see many
: children who came individually or with their teacher, trying to place
: flowers as close to the embassy gates as possible; during lunch break and
: after the offices close, the other age groups come. Many are sobbing, or
: have tears in their eyes. Now, at night, you see numerous windows that
: candles placed in them. Memorial services are being held all over the
: country for the victims. This morning a memorial service was held in a
: cathedral in Berlin, with the Chancellor and other dignitaries present.
: cathedral was filled to the overflowing, with so many people wanting to
: attend that a second service had to be scheduled immediately thereafter.
: The world, and Germany in particular, has much for which to be thankful to
: America; now America deserves the loyalty of her allies. Her kind,
: large-hearted, and freedom-loving spirit, more than any technological
: has made America the leader of the world and a beacon of light and hope
: the downtrodden nations. I know this great nation will prevail over the
: present crisis, and come out the stronger for it. God bless America!
: Michael Suesserott