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Re: Drummond Market Geometry: Personal update

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thc> As Al Pacino says (repeatedly) in "Donnie Brasco":

wonder  if  he  trades  for a living and what that statement has to do
with trading?  i think you may be wrapped up in some identity crisis.

thc> The question is whether, given the limitations of today's

thats like asking - because tractors have flats, isn't it better to
just dig the canal by hand with a shovel? kinda ridiculous, but i
guess it could be considered performing an artistic task.

thc> Just today there's a man on the list saying that his real-time

that man does not know and has not experienced enough yet to get to
the good stuff. some can learn from others, others learn from
experience, some have a mix of both. i bet the guy is more
knowledgeable now today then he was before he posted on this list. so
the argument should be that can we retain what we talk about a a
thousand times on this list and utilize it in a positive way going

thc> And we just finished a discussion of the limitations of

i will agree with po there are ways around problems to get
accomplished what you need. it's like letting a pebble in the road
serve as a road block on the way to dinner at a fine restaurant. my
hunger is such that i will not be deterred from my objective.

thc> And when will be the next discussion of how the data you receive

ah the data, well if you don't like the data throw it out like i do.
seriously the data is only (in the pit cases) a representation of what
is going on. for years and years man has made money outside the pit
with poor data. theoretically it should be more advantageous to make
money today in the markets than ever.

man has this way of blaming something when he fails at an endeavor.
when he does not make money rather than examine his trading method he
blames his broker for bad fills and high commissions, and the data
vendor for bad data and slowness, not to mention those valuable ticks
he missed. he is sure the missing ticks were the ones he needed to
make some money!

while i strive as much or more for perfection as any other, i deal
with what i have and move on. i don't blame anyone or anything, i do
self examination and value peer review as a tangible to the bottom

thc> The tools are not there yet:  the data's not there, and the

the  tools  are better than ever, man is at fault and our memories too
short  of  how  it was.  that is if you were around then to appreciate
today and not the yesterdays cab driver turned pro trader today.

thc> What works in trading, as in life, is an infinite degree of

who said that mechanical models had to have fixed rules? oh you did.
no more than anything in life does a trading model have to be
stubbornly fixed. the only thing fixed here is your thinking, you have
proven time and time again that your narrow minded focus of how things
are - are no match for my narrow minded way of thinking.

by the very nature of things, a fixed object attached to a mobile
object becomes itself mobile. come attach yourself to me brother and
let me transport you to a place in time where the river flows to the
brink with knowledge and higher enlightenment. funny stuff huh?

thc> All the best,

yea right whatever.

thc> OM



Have a Great Day, Mark
