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Indigo MSX system

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Hello Omega list,

I'm sure most of you have heard of Indigo. Here is
MSX, the most popular system in that so called "grey
box" software package. In my opinion, it is also the
only system in Indigo that is worthy of consideration
for actually being traded. Even so, I would never
trade this system as is. Instructions are included in
the code.

The "real" MSX system has a % trailing stop that exits
a position once a trade retraces a specified % from
the highest high/lowest low during a trade. This
version contains a %profit target (just like the
"real" MSX) but it does not include a % trailing stop.
I had to leave something for you to do, right?

Actually, if anyone has code for a basic % trailing
stop, similar to chandelier but w/ % instead of ATR,
I'd love to see how you've coded it. It sounds
ridiculous, but I coded a basic %TrailStop a long time
ago and now I can't find it.


==================Code below==========================

{This is my rendition of the MSX system, the most
popular & widely 
 traded "model" in the Indigo "grey box" software
  Copy-"riiiight" Vic Brower, AKA - "L" 8/01

  **I did not hack into the Indigo program to obtain
this code.
    I put this code together after reading publicly
	information in the support section of Indigo's
	This system generates signals that are virtually
	to the actual MSX system, but it is not the EXACT
same system**

  This code is provided for use in the public domain. 
  I don't care what you do with it from this point
  However, if you decide to use it in a system for
  or lease, you are a huckster, you are worthless and
  and you are just as lame as Indigo Investment

-Set up any individual stock as Data1. High Beta
stocks w/
 low market caps' tend to work OK.

-Set up any index as Data2. The Nasdaq COMP tends to
work well w/
 Nasdaq stocks.
-Set MaxBarsBack to 5.

-Set the DefaultTradeAmount to DollarsPerTransaction
in the Costs tab.

-Test it on a variety of stock/index combinations and
decide for yourself 
 if the Indigo software package is really worth $3700
+ dollars.}
Inputs:    BuyPct (.62), 
		   SignalSelect(01), {Set @ 1 to trigger off the
index, 2 to trigger off the stock}
           IdxSellFiltTog    (False), IdxSellFilt   
(00), {You can read about these on Indigo's}
		   PriSellFiltTog    (False), PriSellFilt    (00),
{website @ www.msindigo.com, or you can}
		   PriPctSellFiltTog (False), PriPctSellFilt (00),
{look at the code and figure it out.}
		   ProfTrgtPct (9999) ; {Profit target percentage}

Variables: MOM    (00), 

{Momentum value for Data2
If SignalSelect < 2 then begin
 MOM = SwingIndex of Data2 ;

If SignalSelect > 1 then begin
 MOM = SwingIndex {of Data1} ;

{Condition & Variable
SwingAv = XAverage(AbsValue(MOM), 5) ;

{Buy Condition}
Condition1 = MOM > 0 + (SwingAv * BuyPct) ;

{Sell Condition}
Condition2 = MOM < 0 - (SwingAv * SellPct) ;

{Index Sell Disable}
If IdxSellFiltTog = True then begin
If (C of Data2)[01] > Highest(C of Data2,
IdxSellFilt)[02] AND 
   (C of Data2)[00] > (Low of Data2)[01] then
IxSelDisable = 01  else IxSelDisable = 00 ;
End ;

{Price Sell Disable}
If PriSellFiltTog = True then begin
If Close[01] > Highest(Close, PriSellFilt)[02] AND 
   Close[00] > Low[01] then
PrSelDisable = 01  else PrSelDisable = 00 ;
End ;

{Price percent Sell Disable}
If PriPctSellFiltTog = True then begin
If Close > (Close[1] + (Close[1] * (PriPctSellFilt /
100))) then
PrPctSelDisable = 01 else PrPctSelDisable = 00 ;
End ;

{Market Entries

{Buy signal}

If Condition1 then Buy this bar on close ;

{Sell signal}

If (IxSelDisable + PrSelDisable + PrPctSelDisable) =
00 AND 
 	Condition2 then Sell this bar on close ;

{Market Exits

If MarketPosition = 01 then begin {If we are currently
ExitLong at EntryPrice + (EntryPrice * (ProfTrgtPct /
100 )) Limit ;
End ;
If MarketPosition = -01 then begin {If we are
currently short}
ExitShort at EntryPrice - (EntryPrice * (ProfTrgtPct /
100 )) Limit ;
End ;

{Exit all positions on last bar}
If LastBarOnChart then begin 
	ExitLong this bar on close ;
    ExitShort this bar on close ;
End ;

Attachment: Description: "Msx.ela"