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RE: BEWARE: Pierre still has not understood that DMI is incorrect

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Oh Pierre, you have so much energy but so little sense. I saw your function
below, but did not try it, could not even figure out what "2*h+l+o-o-h+h[1]"
had to do with the DMI that calculates on highs and lows only, it is just a
weird constructed calculation. Has nothing to do with the DMI bug at hand.
Where on earth did you get the idea I use TS4? I have TS2000, all
calculations comes from TS2000, it is TS2000 that behaves incorrectly.
Incorrectly in a function written by Omega, did I mention that anywhere? You
might have missed that. :-) I am using SP4 on Metastock data, but that
should not change a thing. Of course I could guess you would not have any
data in your machine that results in any calculation error in Tradestation,
we all knew that. Anyhow, please skip your guesses based on marketing
material, try the real problem on real data in a real symbol instead,
compare real life results instead of theoretical wishes. Instructions given

You know, I still have the read only not to be modified faulty not with
printouts PlusDMI function still untouched in my system. That function
delivers exactly the same faulty results that my test printout shows, so
there is no error I introduced by changing the code. My test code behaves
exactly like the original, except it prints when the difference occurs, the
same difference that occurs in the original. All this can be verified, which
is a big difference to you guesses.

Do not come with more redicolous theories on what is wrong in my code or
buggy in my data. Use the real values instead. You do not need my complete
symbol universe to reproduce the Omega DMI bug, just take any two dates, in
any symbol, insert the values you received in the previous mail for two
consecutive days, and then run the testprogram and your original DMI
function on them. Two dates, two highs, two lows, in any symbol in your
universe (and let them get translated with three decimals, Omega´s default).
You have already spent a lot more time on this thread than what that would
take. You can do it! Just insert those data and see what happens! Move from
theoretical "2*h+l+o-o-h+h[1]" to real life data. It will not hurt to open
you eyes just a little, just this one time, try it, you might enjoy it,
there is so much light out there.

> >
> > value1=6.800-6.750;
> > value2=6.600-6.550;
> > if value2>=value1 then
> > 	print ("value2>value1")
> > else
> > 	print ("Pierre does not use his eyes to see, and it is still a bug
in the Omega DMI function");

By the way, you will be happy to notice there is a bug in my testprogram,
the printouts are reversed. What is called "omega DMI" is really "better
dmi" and vice versa.

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