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Re: omega-digest Digest V101 #261

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Thanks for posting the nxtopen.dll. I own TS2000i & I
wasn't able to make it work though. I tried creating
the user function as you wrote it...


I also tried...

NextOpen = GetOpen(&Open,-1)/PriceScale;

The nxtopen.dll is, in fact, in my C:\OMEGA\PROG\

Here is a segment of code from the multidata system I
created to make use of this dll.

{Buy & Sell Conditions based on Data2}
Condition1 = MOM > 0 + (SwingAv  * BuySellFac) ;
Condition2 = MOM < 0 - (SwingAv * BuySellFac) ;

Market Entries 

{Buy signal using Data2 as a setup}

If Condition1 then Buy Num shares at NextOpen +
(AvgTrueRange(3) * BuySellFac) Stop ;

{Sell signal using Data2 as a setup}

If Condition2 then Sell Num shares at NextOpen -
(AvgTrueRange(3) * BuySellFac) Stop ;

When I try to apply this system to a multidata chart I
get two error messages.
First - "Cannot find nxtopen.dll". Then - "Cannot find
function, GetOpen"

Does anyone know how to make this (or any) nextopen
function work in 2000i?



> From: "Phil Lane" <patterntrader@xxxxxxxxxx>
> To: "Scott Hoffman" <trader20@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: Mixing open next with data2
> Is it a Bug or a Limitation????
> Either way you can't do it without a Workaround, as
> follows (works for TS4
> at least):
> 1. Make a user function called "nextopen" that
> contains the following:
> NextOpen=GetOpen(&Open,-1)/PriceScale;
> 2. Copy the attached dll file into your omega/prog
> directory.  I think this
> should do it.
> Good luck,
> Phil