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Re: Got a question for everybody....

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Complete agreement with William Parks - either strap on a backbone or get
off this list.

Any system "for sale" is probably  the biggest waste of money - they get
created and repackaged every other day under new names by new people in
search of making a quick buck.  Those "newbies" and naive people that don't
want to put all of the late nights working hard on our trading plans and
methodologies, day after day, year after year and are not fully committed to
the "art" of trading,should go out and buy a system and squander their
trading capital away on some snake oil!  Your personality probably fits the
mold for someone whom always taken short cuts in life and more often than  -
plays the victim.

I'm in the industry - I know who the sellers are of all of the crap out
there - I know the game very well.  If it's too good to be true - then you
go out and buy it?  Please let me know who you are so I can get a referral
fee from all of the snakes who would love to sell you their colorful oil!
Besides these things always getting repackaged - most of the people selling
this stuff probably have absolutlely no basis for being in the trading
industry at all!

Our concept is to provide systems developed by well-respected trading model
creators, and provide them for free to our client base as a value added
service.  If you don't like them or one doesn't work for the current market
environment - switch to another and if you don't like that - stop using it.
We teach people and provide cost effective alternatives to learning our art
and help to contribute to traders educational and service needs - not
selling some floppy disk from a colorful - more than likely - non-NFA
compliant advertisement from a guy with big shiney white teeth underneath a
palm tree behind a lap top telling you how great and simple trading is.

For those thinking about "buying" a system out there - why don't you buy
that guy on late night TV - Don Lapare "from my 1 bedroom apartment"you know
the guy.  I think his crap sells for $35 and you'll learn how to mass market
snake oil and become a system seller yourself!  Just buy the one in question
and resell it as yours!

Have a good weekend!

Michael Herron

----- Original Message -----
From: W. Parks <parks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Pang, Eddie <epang@xxxxxxx>; OMEGA-LIST <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: Got a question for everybody....

> I don't need to defend Mark Brown but for the three or four years I have
> been following this list he has contributed a great deal (as well as other
> members). He's colorful, lively, and more times than not, dead on with his
> comments. Many members find him abrasive but I  for one like his no
> approach. If you can't stand to hear negative comments and only want the
> happy news, then this is not the place to be.
> What you fail to understand is most of the trading systems for sale out
> there are nothing but smoke and mirrors and have been hashed and re-hashed
> on this list. A great number of these "for-sales" systems are public
> systems that don't work worth a damn real time (unless you withstand one
> hell of a draw down).
> What raises the hackles on the necks of most people is some wanna-be
> joins the "Omega" group looking for the quick road to riches. The first
> thing out of the box is he's wanting to know about this system or that
> system without understanding that systems logic. By your own admission you
> didn't think about slippage, fast markets, or spreads between the bid and
> ask. To me it screams newbie who's looking for Easy Street. Let me give
> a clue; It don't exist or we'd all be millionaires.
> I don't think you will find one member on this group who will tell you
> to make your million dollars in the market (unless they want to sell you
> something), but there are many on here who will assist you with ideas you
> may have about developing your own trading system or indicator.
> If you're looking for the easy get rich recipie to a million dollars, join
> the newsgroups. There's a whole bunch of people just waiting to sell you
> their snake oil. This is an "Omega" group and we're here to discuss (1)
> Omega products (problems/fixes/bugs etc), (2) EL programming, (3) share
> ideas, and even discuss the "merits" of a specific system and or style of
> trading. I'm not here to hear about "Amazing Breakthroughs". You my friend
> take up unecessary bandwith with that kind of crap, so stop wearing your
> feeling on your sleeves and move on.
> William
> > >From what i hear he knows his stuff, too bad he
> > has a personality of a minor.  He'll trash you
> > in such a kiddish manner totally unexpected
> > from a Professional...
> >
> > Try to email him offline in regards to his
> > behavior, he'll cut you off by blocking
> > your email so you'll resort to emailing it
> > so everyone on the mailing so he can see it.
> >
> > Noticed that he quoted:
> > "It is believed that no trader can simply buy
> > a system and start trading it without understanding
> > it's logic. "
> >
> > But hey, if you mention has anyone heard of
> > so and so strategy,  he'll blast it, blast you
> > without asking what your intentions are..
> > Are you so stupid cant you see that everyone elses
> > strategy doen't work... Yet the core his class
> >
> > "will be historically profitable trading models,
> > which are believed to be solid methods to build upon."
> >
> > Its okay if you breakdown and analyze his work,
> > mention someone elses...  You'll see him throwing
> > a tantrum on a jukebox...
> >
> > again... i do not question his experience
> > nor intellegence he does have it.
> > But then again.. is it worth investing
> > your hard earned money to listen to a 11year old???
> >
> > need i say more..
> >
> > just one person's Personal observation..
> >
> > eddie
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Aaron Bensley [mailto:akbens@xxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 8:55 AM
> > To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: Got a question for everybody....
> >
> >
> > Hey everybody! Is anyone else going to Mark Brown's
> > course/seminar that he's giving in Dallas, August
> > 18th-19th. If anyone is, please let me know! I would
> > like to meet some fellow Omega people!
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Aaron
> >