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Re: Bruce Gagnard e-mini S&P Day Trading System

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Hello  I4Lothian,

Iac> Actually this brings up a really good point.  With the proliferation of
Iac> trading systems being made available what is the best payment structure for a 
Iac> vendor to offer that guarantees the buyer receives value for his or her money?

as it should be there are NO guarantees in this business nor in life.

Iac> We have one CTA that works with a broker in our systems division offering a 
Iac> unique deal.  If I understand it right, the CTA won't send a bill for the 
Iac> trading system until the trader has realized the profits to pay for the 
Iac> system.  That sounded pretty fair to me.

not  to  me  -  this  does  not seem fair at all.  99.9% of all people
including  brokers  can  not  -  will  not  follow a system.< that's a
period!   it  sounds  fair  to  you  because  you get paid a commission
weather  or  not  the system lives up to its claimed performance.  how
fair  would  it  seem to you if you had to not receive commissions until
the  client  made  money?   and  what if the system made money but the
client did not?  simply because they tried to out trade it?  this is a
much more complicated affair that you have portrayed here.  being able
to see both sides of he fence is a rare gift (curse) in this business,
just ask me.

Iac> I wonder how many gurus would be willing to offer such a deal.

i  do  consider  myself  a  guru  so i will reply, i have given away a
system (several)  that  makes  more  than  any  of the top ten systems listed in
futures   truth advertisements.  in fact for a year prior to releasing
some  of my systems publicly, certain members on this list received it
for  free.   i  asked  respected  people what they thought of them, many
could  not  belive  the  simplicity,  let alone the performance.  most
could  not belive that i released any such.  i know i have much better
to offer in the future.

so  now  lets  ask how many guru's who charge for their system can out
perform  a  free  system?   that should be the first bench mark.  then
maybe i would choose to raise the bar.

Iac> Now, I would not buy a system just because it offered a good payment plan,  
Iac> but that is certainly one factor to consider.

so  is a free payment plan, or one supplemented by the brokerage house
who  is  steadily collecting the commissions from the trading?  i mean
if  i  were a broker i would consider paying the guru for a service to
provide my clients so i could generate more commissions.

Iac> Regards,

Iac> John J. Lothian


Have a Great Day, Mark
