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RE: BILL Cruz gives us answers - #2 of ?

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Wonderful analogy! And you are correct. This man you
describe not have a credibility problem. But, the man who
proceeds to the top of a hill in Arkansas and says, "Yes, I
did Everest," has a real credibility problem. 

--- editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> A man is attempting the summit of Mount Everest...  
> He announces to the world:  "I am going to the top of
> this mountain."  
> While he's climbing, the weather changes for the worse. 
> Some of his equipment breaks.  Avalanches occur...  he
> does not make it to the summit, and has to retreat to
> base camp.  When he gets back to base camp he says:  "I
> am going to the top of this mountain."
> Does this man have a "credibility issue"?  
> The Omega Man
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Jerry" <drwar@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 13:57:51 -0400
> To: "'Hinton Clabaugh'" <clabaugh@xxxxxxxxx>,
> "'Omega List'" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: RE: BILL Cruz gives us answers - #2 of ?
> I agree with you and maybe it solidifies in my mind what
> bothers me so much about TS. Its not just about the bugs
> in the product, its that you can't believe a
> word they tell you, its a credibility issue. Its
> supporters will tell you there is nothing better on the
> market. The problem is your in bed with a rattlesnake and
> you just keep getting bit. If you want to continue with
> their line of products don't expect the biting to stop.
> -- 
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