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cruz, pro, 2000i: suck it up!

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i usually don't mix it up in these things, but for i find myself unable to
resist tonight.  this is your rant alert.  so delete now.

this whole conversation is pointless.  take a look at tradestation-dot-com's
financials and you will see a failed business model up to now.  to those of
you make your living from the market: would you rather these guys stayed in
business or not?  i bought supercharts, ts4, ts2000i.  am i irritated that
no matter what i do, i can't make radar screen perform adequately?  yes.

but would i rather pay $100/mo for a new and supported product that
eliminates the data management problem? in a heatbeat.  if it starts looking
good i'll license 5 copies.  i don't care.  it's less than the slippage on 1
trade.  so what is all this penny-wise-pound-foolish crap?  if these guys go
belly, i have a giant investment in related software technology that i use
daily to make my living.  i will have to invent a completely different
framework, which will take my focus off making money.  is this not true for
everybody?  the cruz brothers may well be incompetent businessmen; certainly
part of their problem is that they are addressing a miniscule market of
cheap bastards that whine everytime it's time to ante up.  the reaming of
the wannabes in the markets over the last 15 months hasn't helped... and it
ain't over yet.

so ts2000i overpromised and undelivered.  so cruz eats his own dog food and
thinks you should too.  get over it and grow up!  upgrade to 2000 pro and
keep these guys in the game.  we need them!
