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Re: Character Sorting Order

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This order is for TS4 I don't know if it still is the same in TS5

! exclamation
"" quote
# number
$ dollar sign
% per cent
& and
( open parenthesis
) close parenthesis
* multiply
+ plus
, comer
- minus
. period
/ forward slash
: colon
; semi colon
< less than
= equals
> greater than
? question mark
@ at
\ back slash
] sq. close bracket
^ carat
_ underline
` grave
{ curl open bracket 
| above backslash
} curl close bracket
~ tilde
0 - 9 numerals
a - z alphabet
[ sq. open bracket

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Johnson <jejohn@xxxxxxxxx>
To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2001. June 5. 8:46
Subject: Character Sorting Order

>Hello omega-list,
>  Can someone tell me the order in which TS4 sorts characters
>(keyboard, not OList members:) in the Power Editor.  I.e, space, / # @
>! ~ ^ 0-1 A-Z etc.
>Best regards,
> Jim Johnson                        mailto:jejohn@xxxxxxxxx