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Re: Datafeed problems WinBis/Metaserver

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MetaServer is probably the problem as when a Bid or Ask is strobed through
to the GS another Last is probably also strobbed through resulting in too
many ticks for the Last than there should be.  Any symbol without a bid and
ask should work ok.  I don't believe there is a solution for this problem
when using MetaServer and the GS.  It has something to do with the way the
GS detects whether only the bid or ask or last has changed.  Putting the MS
between the GS and the datafeed inhibits this detection capability of the
GS.  Could be wrong.  Hope Andrew can figure it out.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas" <przetak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "omega-list" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2001 9:21 AM
Subject: Datafeed problems WinBis/Metaserver

> I´ve just subscribed for a test period to get intraday datafeed for
> XETRA,NASDAQ,NYSE by WinBis. I´m using Metaserver to send the datas to
> Global Server. What I´m now realizing after 2 days (after
> looking,checking, redefining the input definitions in Metaserver) that
> there is a problem in getting propper datas for the NASDAQ/ NYSE in
> Global Server through Metaserver.
> The intraday datas in WinBis are ok, but not in in the Omega chart
> windows. There is always a mix between Last andBid-/or Ask datas (means
> that the range is always too wide). The consequence is that these datas
> for NASDAQ/NYSE stocks are absolutely useless. It is not the same case
> for American indices and the XETRA stocks.
> The problem must be located in WinBis (sending the datas and mixing the
> above mentioned prices) or in Metaserver (asking for the wrong prices
> time by time).
> If you have the same problem or if you´ve heard about this issue (and
> esp. how to solve), please drop me a line.
> Andreas