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RE: Perspective..-Taps now playing

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If this list supported larger attachments, an MP3 file that played "Taps"
would be appropriate at this time to honor all Omega Solution Providers and
Users Groups.....
who have died from lack of compassion and support.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bengtsson, Mats [mailto:mats.bengtsson@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 3:24 PM
> To: CnC; Omega
> Subject: RE: Perspective..
> As I understand the below, they treat user groups and solution providers
> using the same standardised apporach as old software:
> Everyone believes they are supporting it until one day you find
> out they do
> not.
> If you do not see them feeding it, they are going to kill it, but
> they might
> not have told you yet.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: CnC [mailto:carlandchristel@xxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: den 6 mars 2001 20:22
> > To: Omega
> > Subject: Perspective..
> >
> >
> > In keeping with a current discussion about the future of
> > established TS
> > software,here is a note sent out today from a well respected 'omega
> > research Users Group'.
> >
> > Although many of you may be aware of the information contained
> > [including a promoter located in France    :)   ]      ,some
> > readers may
> > find this of interest.
> >
> > ..C
> >
> >
> >
> > Subject: Orlando Omega Research UG Closing
> > Date: 6 Mar 2001 02:57:55 -0000
> > From: "Orlando Omega Research Users Group"
> > <Orlando_OmegaUG@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Reply-To: "Orlando Omega Research Users Group"
> > <Orlando_OmegaUG@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > To: "Orlando Omega Research Users Group" <Orlando_OmegaUG@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> > Orlando Omega Research Users Group - http://www.Orlando-OmegaUG.org
> >
> > --------------------------- ListBot Sponsor --------------------------
> > Build a marketing database and send targeted HTML and text e-mail
> > newsletters to your customers with List Builder.
> >
> > http://www.listbuilder.com
> >
> > It is with great reluctance that I have decided to withdraw
> > as the user
> > group leader for the Orlando Omega Research Users group. I am making
> > this
> > decision based on several factors which I'll enumerate below:
> >
> > 1. Omega Research, as a company, has dropped its support of
> > user groups.
> > And the method they chose to do this did not officially inform us as a
> > user group, nor did they contact any of the other leaders to
> > notify us.
> > No
> > further referals are being made to new users to the groups, and they
> > have
> > removed the user group locator from their web site.
> >
> > 2. Omega Research is now TradeStation Technologies. Their primary
> > platform
> > will now be TradeStation Pro. The previous policy was to provide a
> > functional copy of their trading software to the user group leader to
> > use
> > in conjunction with the group meetings for learning and demonstration
> > purposes. Along with some of you, I was given access to the
> > TradeStation
> > Pro client during the preview program, but that has now been
> > terminated
> > and it doesn't look like there will be any future support for
> > user group
> > leaders.
> >
> > 3. I have started a salaried position which takes up a considerable
> > amount
> > of my time. Although my first love has been trading on an intra day
> > basis,
> > I have learned through the school of hard knocks that I have
> > more of an
> > interest in the technical capabilities of the program than in the
> > execution of the program in a fast paced, high stress
> > environment of the
> > day trader.
> >
> > 4. Along with the drop in support for user groups, TradeStation
> > Technologies has dropped the Solution Provider program which my
> > independent consulting company was a part of. With the demise of those
> > activites, and the direction to drop any association of my company's
> > activities with theirs, I will no longer receive any referals
> > from their
> > company for support and/or support for the user group.
> >
> > In summing it all up, although I have valued the time we've spent
> > together
> > learning about the capabilities of the various TradeStation and 2000i
> > products along with learning a lot about technical analysis, I have to
> > turn my attention to persuits that will generate a sufficient
> > income for
> > my ultimate retirement.
> >
> > If one of you, locally, wishes to continue in my stead, you
> > may email me
> > and I will forward your name on to the Special Interest Group
> > Coordinator
> > at the Central Florida Computer Society, Arnold Behr. He can
> > provide the
> > proper liaision for you to pick up where I am leaving off should you
> > desire to continue meeting at the New Horizon's Learning
> > Center. Or you
> > can choose to move the meeting to less formal quarters/meeting rooms.
> >
> > Suffice to say, that on this notice, there will be no March
> > meeting this
> > coming Saturday; I will leave it to any future leader to pick
> > up where I
> > leave off, and I will provide access to this email list for him/her to
> > contact all of you.
> >
> > Best of luck in your trading activities.
> >
> > Mike Ungerman
> > mikeu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe, write to Orlando_OmegaUG-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >