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RE: Drumond market geometry

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It's easy to take nine figures out of the markets.  All you have to do is
put in 10 figures.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Hoon [mailto:phoon@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 2:32 PM
> To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: Drumond market geometry
> Would welcome criticisms, disagreements, rebuttals, especially
> from Drummond
> traders, of the following impressions upon visiting the Drummond Geometry
> website (www.Tedtick.com):
> Author Ted Hearne claims that Drummond is a reclusive, brilliant, Canadian
> trader, "partially retired" in Nova Scotia, whom author Hearne claims took
> "nine figures out of the markets".
> 1)  Looks like another "discretionary system",  with all the problems that
> implies:  It will boil down to your ability to subjectively apply rules
> stated in "lessons", that in total, cost $3475. Will you be able to get
> through 30 lessons, (each block of five will cost $695) and have something
> concrete you can trade with at the end of the tunnel?
> 2)  Looks like author Ted Hearne is the "popularizer" of
> Drummond's methods,
> in these lessons;  you will end up getting Drummond second hand
> via Hearne.
> 3)  A sample of the writing style, in the first lesson, indicates long
> winded explanations that are hard to operationalize. I kept asking myself:
> "When is the author going to get the point and tell me how to trade with
> this?" Lot's of talk about "energy flow", etc.  ("Deep Learning" Hypnosis
> Tapes are available for an additional $45). Been there; heard
> that. In fact,
> in a review cited by John Hill of Future's Truth,  Hill states:
> "It [the 30
> lesson course] is not inexpensive and unless one is willing to devote many
> hours to studying the material, you may not get value."  Even if you do
> study intensely, and "get value", will you be able to trade successfully
> with it?
> 4)  Drummond Geometry indicators for Trade Station are available at still
> additional cost ($605), so we are up to about $4080 with no Easy Language
> system code.
> 5) No evidence by author Hearne that Drummond's methods can be concisely
> written and tested via Easy Language on various markets and time
> frames.  A
> bare bones "track record" is reported,  but it is clear it was
> obtained via
> subjective rule application (by John Hill? by author Hearne?).  I
> think you
> would end up pulling your hair out trying to write testable code
> in all the
> "multiple time-frame" charts that the Drummond method employs.
> 6)  Even if Drummond's entry rules result in decent entries, the method in
> total will end up being only as good as the stops and money
> management that
> go with it.  One would need EL system code to optimize stops on today's
> markets and timeframes of your choice, and that is not available.
> 7)  There is a bright spot, and potential value for the dollar:  Drummond
> himself published several books, each of which will cost $170.
> For example:
> "How to make money in the futures market - and lot's of it",
> 1978, Drummond
> Publications, looks intriguing. (Unfortunately,  the publisher is not a
> standard one such as John Wiley, McGraw-Hill, etc., so you probably cannot
> order it from Amazon.com at a lower cost.)  However, this book could be a
> good source of ideas for indicator and system testing in Easy Language.
> Peter Hoon