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Re: Float-based Indicators

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 Hello Mark,

 Awesome! And FAST!!!! Thank you very much, Mark!!!!!! I feel like the
scarecrow in Oz, asking the Wizard for a brain. Much obliged.


Mark Brown wrote:
> {*Key Below}
> Inputs: FloatVal(365000000), StrtDate(0), ExtRgt("True");
> Vars: VolCalc(0), BarCount(0), HiCalc(0), LoCalc(0), TL1(0), TL2(0), Txt1(0), Failure(False);
> IF Date = StrtDate OR (Date = LastCalcDate AND StrtDate = 0) Then Begin
>  BarCount = 0;
>  Failure = False;
>  Plot2(High, "StrtDate");
>  Plot3(Low, "StrtDate");
>  While VolCalc < FloatVal AND Failure = False Begin
>   IF BarCount > MaxBarsBack Then Begin
>    Failure = True;
>    VolCalc = Volume[BarCount+10];
>   End;
>   VolCalc = VolCalc + Volume[BarCount];
>   BarCount = BarCount + 1;
>  End;
>  HiCalc = Highest(H, BarCount-1);
>  LoCalc = Lowest(L, BarCount-1);
>  Plot1[BarCount](High[BarCount]*1.01, "Float");
>  IF StrtDate <> 0 Then Begin
>   TL1 = TL_New(StrtDate, Time, HiCalc, Date[BarCount], Time, HiCalc);
>   TL2 = TL_New(StrtDate, Time, LoCalc, Date[BarCount], Time, LoCalc);
>  End Else Begin
>   TL1 = TL_New(LastCalcDate, Time, HiCalc, Date[BarCount], Time, HiCalc);
>   TL2 = TL_New(LastCalcDate, Time, LoCalc, Date[BarCount], Time, LoCalc);
>  End;
>  IF UpperStr(ExtRgt) = "TRUE" OR   UpperStr(ExtRgt) = "T" Then Begin
>   TL_SetExtRight(TL1, True);
>   TL_SetExtRight(TL2, True);
>  End;
>  TL_SetExtLeft(TL1, False);
>  TL_SetExtLeft(TL2, False);
> End;
> IF Date > StrtDate AND StrtDate <> 0 Then Begin
>  IF Low Crosses Above TL_GetEndVal(TL1) AND CheckAlert Then
>   Alert = True;
>  IF High Crosses Below TL_GetEndVal(TL2) AND CheckAlert Then
>   Alert = True;
> End;
> {
> FloatVal is the Float value, number of shares currently available for Trading
> StrtDate is the date at which to start the accumulation of the Volume.  If StrtDate
>  is zero, then the accumulation will begin in the LastCalcDate.
> ExtRgt determines if the horizontal lines drawn by the Indicator will extend to the Right,
>  or if they will terminate at the StartDate.
> }