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RE: A Quick Poll - up/down statistics

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I'm not sure if we can conclude there is a STATISTICAL significance to this
but my "gut" says it is right.
If it is right, then a perfect hedge would be to :
intermediate term (5-10 days), put on credit put spreads (bullish)
intra day (1-6 hours), scalp the rallies, especially on the open by buying
at-the-money puts (bearish).

How could you go wrong with a strategy like that....you clean-up on both

Only killer scenario to this is horrific opening gaps down with an intraday
We know that is a low probability event, right ?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gary Fritz [mailto:fritz@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 10:45 AM
> To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: A Quick Poll
> > To my surprise, almost exactly 50/50. Given the overall upward
> > movement of the market since 1992 I initially assumed I had done
> > something wrong. Then I realised that these these figures related
> > to intraday movement only, and took no account of opening gaps.
> > Turns out that on average, all the upward movement in FTSE future
> > since 1992 can be accounted for by the opening gaps.
> Not just the FTSE.  Just a few days ago I knocked out a quick&dirty
> indicator to compute these kinds of stats, and ran it on the last few
> years of SP and ND.
> Result:  The intraday action in both SP and ND is NEGATIVE, on
> average.  ALL the upward motion has come from overnight gaps.  So
> intraday traders should feel very comfortable going long AND short,
> but position traders should be aware of the long bias (for the past
> several years anyway) in overnight positions.  Could have an impact
> on short positions.  (Or it may be that the negative gaps tend to
> happen when the trend is down, and there are just fewer negative gaps
> because the overall market trend has been up.  I didn't look into
> that.)
> Here are some sample stats.  The indicator code is below.  It is
> definitely nothing fancy.  I'm not even certain it's 100% correct --
> some of the numbers seem to be few percent off -- but it was close
> enough that I didn't want to blow any more time on it.  You're
> welcome to if you want to.
> Gary
> ========================
> ND starts on 3/5/98, SP starts on 1/1/98, both go through 6/15/00.
> *** SP:
>   608 days of data
>  Net intraday movement =   -45.90, avg =   -0.08
>    (  306 up days, total =  3288.80, avg =   10.75
>       297 dn days, total = -3334.70, avg =  -11.23
>         5 days with ZERO movement)
>  Net gap movement =   408.20, avg =    0.67
>    (  346 up gaps, total =  1892.10, avg =    5.47
>       254 dn gaps, total = -1483.90, avg =   -5.84
>         8 days with ZERO gap)
> *** ND:
>   582 days of data
>  Net intraday movement =  -627.73, avg =   -1.08
>    (  315 up days, total = 11815.00, avg =   37.51
>       261 dn days, total = -12442.70, avg =  -47.67
>         6 days with ZERO movement)
>  Net gap movement =  2964.48, avg =    5.09
>    (  341 up gaps, total =  7057.90, avg =   20.70
>       226 dn gaps, total = -4093.42, avg =  -18.11
>        15 days with ZERO gap)
> Now here's the same study, since 1/1/2000:
> (My SP and ND data aren't quite uniform so that's why they show
> different numbers of days.  :-)
> *** SP:
>   114 days of data
>  Net intraday movement =   -74.70, avg =   -0.66
>    (   51 up days, total =   874.30, avg =   17.14
>        61 dn days, total =  -949.00, avg =  -15.56
>         2 days with ZERO movement)
>  Net gap movement =    63.70, avg =    0.56
>    (   63 up gaps, total =   438.10, avg =    6.95
>        50 dn gaps, total =  -374.40, avg =   -7.49
>         1 days with ZERO gap)
> *** ND:
>   117 days of data
>  Net intraday movement = -1265.40, avg =  -10.82
>    (   57 up days, total =  5159.50, avg =   90.52
>        58 dn days, total = -6424.90, avg = -110.77
>         2 days with ZERO movement)
>  Net gap movement =  1068.40, avg =    9.13
>    (   69 up gaps, total =  2962.00, avg =   42.93
>        45 dn gaps, total = -1893.60, avg =  -42.08
>         3 days with ZERO gap)
> It looks like over the last several years, and continuing this year,
> the intraday action tends to be negative.
> ===============================================
> vars: upday(0), Nupday(0), dnday(0), Ndnday(0), Ndays(0),
>       upgap(0), Nupgap(0), dngap(0), Ndngap(0);
> if o > c[1] then upgap = upgap + o - c[1];
> if o > c[1] then Nupgap = Nupgap + 1;
> if o < c[1] then dngap = dngap + o - c[1];
> if o < c[1] then Ndngap = Ndngap + 1;
> if c > o then upday = upday + c - o;
> if c > o then Nupday = Nupday + 1;
> if c < o then dnday = dnday + c - o;
> if c < o then Ndnday = Ndnday + 1;
> Ndays = Ndays + 1;
> if LastBarOnChart then begin
>   print(Ndays:4:0," days of data");
>   print("Net intraday movement = ", upday + dnday:5:2,", avg = ",
>           (upday + dnday) / Ndays:4:2);
>   print("  (",Nupday:5:0," up days, total = ",upday:5:2,", avg =
>   ",upday/Nupday:4:2); print("   ",Ndnday:5:0," dn days, total =
>   ",dnday:5:2,", avg = ",dnday/Ndnday:4:2); print("   ",Ndays - Nupday -
>   Ndnday:5:0," days with ZERO movement)"); print("Net gap movement = ",
>   upgap + dngap:5:2,", avg = ",
>           (upgap + dngap) / Ndays:4:2);
>   print("  (",Nupgap:5:0," up gaps, total = ",upgap:5:2,", avg =
>   ",upgap/Nupgap:4:2); print("   ",Ndngap:5:0," dn gaps, total =
>   ",dngap:5:2,", avg = ",dngap/Ndngap:4:2); print("   ",Ndays - Nupgap -
>   Ndngap:5:0," days with ZERO gap)"); end;
> if 1=2 then plot1(0,"");