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Anybody trading this now. Robert Margin trading on individual shares  Instrument CFD (Contract for Difference)  Midas now offers investors the possibility of trading individual shares on margin. This is effected with the use of so-called CFDs - or Contract for Difference - a derivative that mirrors the price development of an individual share. Margin trading is possible on 350 UK shares (FTSE350, currency GBP), around 700 US shares (S & P 500, Nasdaq 100 and others on request, currency USD) and a selection of major Continental European shares (currency EUR). All profit/losses can be converted into your base currency if required Margin trading with Midas has great advantages over normal stock dealing: CFD trading explained You trade on the basis of the quoted price, that reflects accurately the price and spread quoted in the market. For the duration of your trade, your account is debited by an interest payment reflecting the interest-earning amount that you avoid placing in a low-yielding share with the use of this technique. Any dividend payment on the underlying share is credited to your account. The net effect of these adjustments is to reflect the performance of investing in the share in traditional manner, where you would lose interest income, but receive dividend payments. The scenario described above is valid if you are long - a buyer of the share. If you are short, speculating in a falling share price, you will not be debited interest, only dividend payments. The interest rate applied to the purchase of share on margin is the prevailing market rate plus around 3%. Please notice that when trading on margin, large profits are possible, but risks are substantial due to the gearing factor. Please consider such risks carefully prior to entering into any margined transactions. Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions. 1. What are the advantages of trading CFDs? The main advantage of trading CFDs is the ability to gear your investment by up to 20 times. The use of CFDs also provides an extraordinary flexibility in your trading. CFDs are used to: 1.  Achieve gearing. By using CFDs you can achieve a much higher gearing in a number of international markets. This means that your profit will be much larger if you correctly anticipate the movement in the stock price. Your risk will, however, increase accordingly. 2.  Speculate in price falls - selling short. For most investors, speculating in price falls on individual shares is expensive and complicated. Using CFDs, however, it is very simple. Just sell on the quoted price and buy back the position once you consider the level appropriate. This technique can be used in periods of general market declines or when specific events are expected to affect an individual stock price negatively. 3.  Risk management. To protect your portfolio against short term market declines, you may quickly and efficiently cover your exposure by the sale of CFDs. The positions can then be repurchased, once the price decline is expected to have bottomed out. The profit achieved on the CFDs will then offset the loss suffered on your investment portfolio if your hedge has been accurate. 4.  Hedge trading. It is increasingly popular to trade two different, but related stocks against each other if you perceive a difference in valuation to be unjustified. For example, you may trade two banks or two telephone companies against each other, if one is seen as overvalued and the other undervalued. Through the use of CFDs you can exploit the return to more equal valuations. The overall risk is typically lower, as the stocks are both in the same sector. You can also trade an individual share's performance against a related index. 2. Which markets can I trade? Midas offers CFD trading in the UK on the FTSE350 stocks, in the US on S & P 500 and Nasdaq 100 components and a selection of Continental European stocks. More markets will be available in the future. 3. What is the minimum account size for CFDs? The minimum account size for CFD trading is USD10,000 that will enable you to trade up to USD50,000 worth of stocks. If you use our guaranteed stop loss facility, you may trade up to USD200,000 (examples exclude commissions). 4. What is the smallest and largest trade size? The smallest trade size is GBP20,000, USD40,000 and EUR40,000, respectively. To support such positions, GBP4,000, USD8,000 and EUR8,000, respectively, is required. If you use our guaranteed stop loss facility you can control a position with just 5-10% of the underlying value. Minimum trade size for guaranteed stop loss positions are GBP50,000, USD100,000 and EUR100,000. In principle, only the liquidity of the individual stocks limits the maximum size of your trades, but substantial exposures are possible in most stocks. 5. What is the cost of trading CFDs? The commission cost varies from market to market, but is generally in the range of 0.5-1.0% depending on the size of your trades. Furthermore, an interest payment is deducted if you buy stocks on margin. This interest payment is calculated daily (but debited monthly)and is based on market rates plus three percent. If you are speculating in lower stock prices, selling short, there is no interest rate charge. If you wish to use our guaranteed stop loss facility (which gives you opportunity for higher gearing as you are limited to a clearly defined loss even under extreme market conditions such as a crash), an additional commission of 0.25% for buying and selling, respectively, is charged. Normally, this charge is paid upfront as 0.5% when entering the trade and on the basis of the entry price of the stock.