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RE: HashNums16 GV

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see below....straight to the source...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: JeRRyWar [mailto:drwar@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 1:37 PM
> To: 'david b. stanley'; omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: HashNums16 GV
> Hashnum sounds interesting. Please excuse my ignorance but is there a
> Hashnum32 for ts2000 and if so where do I find it. I looked thru
> Omegas site
> and did not see it. Also is there any documentation.
> Thanks for any help.
> Jerry W.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: david b. stanley [mailto:davestan@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 4:05 PM
> To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: HashNums16 GV
> You are storing it in OUp but you are trying to retrieve it from OUp1.
> Change OUp1 to OUp.
> dbs
> Plot1(C, "");
>  putAt("Avg5", "OUp", OUp);
>  putAt("Avg5", "ODn", ODn);
>  Plot1(C,"");
>  DirUp = getAt("Avg5", "OUp1");
>  DirDn = getAt("Avg5", "ODn1");
> Ian Cunningham wrote:
> > Anyone using the above with TS4 help me with the following?
> > I am attempting to learn to use the GV to pass values from
> > one time frame to another to use as a filter within a study.
> >
> > The following simple code is a test to get the values from
> > the 5 min data into the 1 min. I have "update every tick" checked
> > as I want to get each tick.
> > In the Print Log I am getting the correct values for the 5 min,(put)
> > however,
> > I get zeros for the 1 min (get).
> >
> > Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
> >
> > TIA
> > Ian Cunningham.
> >
> > DefineDllFunc:"c:\omega\hashnums.dll, INT, "putAt", LPSTR, LPSTR, FLOAT;
> >
> >  Vars: Len(20), OUp(0), ODn(0), X(0);
> >
> >  X = Average(C, Len);
> >  If X > X[1] then OUp = 1 Else OUp = 0;
> >  If X< X[1] then ODn = 1 Else ODn = 0;
> >
> >  Plot1(C, "");
> >  putAt("Avg5", "OUp", OUp);
> >  putAt("Avg5", "ODn", ODn);
> >
> >  Print(Date:8:0, Time:5:0, "OUp5 = ", OUp);
> >  Print(Date:8:0, Time:5:0, "ODn5 = ", ODn);
> >
> >  1 min;
> >
> >  DefineDllFunc:"c:\omega\hashnums.dll, FLOAT, "getAt", LPSTR, LPSTR;
> >
> >  Vars: OUp(0), ODn(0), DirUp(0), DirDn(0);
> >
> >  Plot1(C,"");
> >  DirUp = getAt("Avg5", "OUp1");
> >  DirDn = getAt("Avg5", "ODn1");
> >
> >  Print(Date:8:0, Time:5:0, "OUp1 = ", DirUp);
> >  Print(Date:8:0, Time:5:0, "ODn1 = ", DirDn);

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