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Hi All,
Thanks for the great list. I'm a new trader and a new user of TS2000i on
Win2k (just got it to work this morning after several hours of work, and
now they release SP5 two hours later!).
If anyone can help me with configuring my symbol portfolio, I would
greatly appreciate it. I tried calling Omega's tech support, and while
they were very polite and patient, they couldn't really help me.
I want to trade OEX options (using Ed Moore's methods) and want to be
able to access the following data from within TS:
- OEX Index trades - as far back as I can, in 1 minute increments if I can.
- S&P 500 Futures trades - same as OEX index.
- OEX option quotes for all near-term options - just need today's price
data, bid/ask, open interests, but not historical data.
- Sample industry stock leaders, such as a number of big tech stocks, and
a few from each of the other sectors - just today's price data, or maybe
a week or two of large-resolution (like 30 min.) trade data.
I set up the OEX Index in Global Server so it downloads the trade record
as follows:
- 1 tick for 1 day
- 1 minute for 1000 days
- 5 minutes for 2500 days
- 1 day for 5000 days
- Ask record and bid record at 1 tick for 1 day
- Split for 5000 days (don't know if I need these last two)
I did the same thing for the S&P 500 futures (symbol "/SP"). Then I set
up a history template for one-day-only data for the OEX option chain. And
I added MSFT so I would have one stock to test the Global Server with.
I asked it to download the data from Historybank.com from 3/1/00 through
today, and it said it was getting 200MB of data. Is this right, 200MB
for 3 months? Will it get 200MB, but save only a fraction of that based
on my own symbols that I've chosen?
Omega told me my Historybank CD doesn't have intra-day data, but that I
can get it from their site to the beginning of 1999; if that's true, guess
that will have to do. But how can I do sufficient backtesting with only
end-of-day data?
Am I going about this the right way? I'm sorry this is so long - thanks
to anyone who can take the time to answer even one of the above questions!!