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Re: (WOA) Wisdom of the Ages

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Hi Matt:

Thanks for the reply.

I've just checked the manual of one of the software I purchased.  In fact,
this is from TS4 User's Manual.

About the license:

"Grant of License.  Omega grants to you the non-exclusive license to use
one copy of the enclosed software program (the "Software") and data (the
"Data") on a single terminal connected to a single computer.  This
Agreement and the license granted may not be transferred, assgined, leased,
rented, sublicensed, or otherwise transferred to you.  You may not network
the Software or Data or otherwise use or have access to the Software or
Data on more than one computer or terminal at the same time."

About ownership and copyright:

"The Software was developed by Omega.  The Data was developed by Global
and/or Genesis and their suppliers and was licensed by Omega from Global
and/or Genesis.  The Software and the Data were developed, compiled,
prepared, revised, selected and arranged through the application of methods
and standards of judgment developed and applied through the expenditure of
substnatial time, effort and money, constitute confidential and valuable
industrial property and trade secrets, and are protected by United States
copyright laws and international treaty provisions as well as other
intellectual property laws and treaties.  All title and copyrights in and
to the Software or the Data and the accompanying printed materials are
owned by Omega or its suppliers......  You may not directly or indirectly
offer or transmit all or any portion of the Software or Data to third
parties whether by way of subscription, license, sale or otherwise.  You
may NOT copy the written material accompanying the Software.  You may not
reverse engineer, de-compile, or dissemble the Software or the Data."

I guess most other software/products would have similar clauses.

But again, perhaps I'm wrong?



At 02:56 PM 05/21/2000 -0700, Matthew D. Langston wrote:
>Hi Wong,
>Perhaps you are already aware of my suggestion, so I don't mean to insult
>your intelligence if I misunderstood your e-mail.
>Perhaps you meant "license" instead of "copyright"?  The copyright is
>meanlingless w.r.t. what you can do with the software that you purchased.
>The licnese that the software was distributed under, however, is what will
>tell you what you can and cannot do with the software.  So, check to see
>what the software license says about the software that you purchased.
>Regards, Matt
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "wong" <whs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Sent: Sunday, May 21, 2000 3:26 PM
>Subject: Re: (WOA) Wisdom of the Ages
>> Hi All:
>> Last year I was thinking of posting some ela's to the group - those that I
>> purhcased a few years ago and the developer/seller had since been
>> I asked advice from the group whether I would be infringing on copyright
>> issues if I posted those ela's publicly.  Several members publicly and
>> privately posted to me that even though the developer/seller was
>> unreachable, those ela's are still copyrighted.
>> I didn't post those ela's after all.
>> I think it's prudent to check out the consequences before one proceeds to
>> do what one intends to.
>> Regards,
>> Wong
>> ================================================
>> At 11:15 AM 05/21/2000 -0700, Jim & Bullseye wrote:
>> >Since the developer/seller of the WOA system
>> >was busted for fraud by the CFTC, I don't
>> >think TG's conscience will be bothering her.