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Re: The Omega List Scandel (was ummmm... sorry)

  • To: <frwd@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: The Omega List Scandel (was ummmm... sorry)
  • From: "[ tradergirl ]" <tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 22:56:07 -0700
  • In-reply-to: <001401bfc143$6bc25250$2f1d7ad8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian" <bnm03@xxxxxxx>
To: "[ tradergirl ]" <tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "List, Omega" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 8:36 PM
Subject: The Omega List Scandel (was ummmm... sorry)

> Hello TraderGirl,
> You know, this is sort of funny.  I can't believe you keep bringing my
> up in this context, as if your actions belie your words, sort of.  You
> like you can't let it die even though you say you aren't angry.  Which is
> fine, but I think it speaks volumes about you.  You know, like, how you
> you're not angry in one breath but then keep invoking the issue in the
> breath.  Girls with issues.  Gawd.  You remind me a lot of the rich
> girls and their characters you see on the show Beverly hills 90210 (or
> whatever that zip code is) -- you know, say one thing, do another.  Nice
> personality trait.

Not rich.  Made my own money in the market, through a lot of study.

> I don't know where you got that letter or who wrote it but it sure was
> intense.  Whoever wrote it had some imagination.  But that's all fine and
> well and H2O under the bridge with me.  I've forgiven you for that.  But
> what I didn't and still don't agree with is the way you subjected the list
> to that awful abuse, only to further your manipulative goals.  To expose
> list to such filth in a pathetic attempt to satiate your violent and
> manipulative anger and soil my fine upstanding reputation here by using


> list the way you did is harder for me to forgive.  I mean, who knows
> someone's kids could have been reading the list and could have actually
> it!  I mean, whatsup with that?  Do you think you have the right to
> involuntarily subject list readers to that kind of filth no matter how
> you want to succeed?  Yes we're all traders here but that's going
> IMO.  It's no surprise that that probably was written by a trader.  I've
> heard worse from traders, way worse.  Actually, I thought there was good
> a complimentary sense) and bad in that letter so I don't know why you
> thought it portrayed something so evil, so rotten that that you just had
> share it with the world.  Did you think list members would get up in arms
> about it?  And then what?  I mean what was you goal here?  The one implied
> by your actions, not your words?  Mm-mm-mm, smacks of manipulation to me.
> In short, even if I did write it, which I didn't, IMO you were way out of
> line for posting it.

I think the message you sent me was way out of line, Brian.

> And then there's the violation of list etiquette.  I mean to take what
> obviously was a private message (because no one posted it) public is a
> violation of the spirit of this list.  Private messages stay private,
> especially one like that!  I mean my gawd, people have gotten hounded to
> end on this list for taking private messages public without consent of the
> other party.  It's just not cool.  It's just not cool and as others on

That e-mail you sent doesn't apply to the netiquette code.  You know, it
might not be me doing this, it could be you.  But it could be someone else
framing you.  Whatever the case, the topic is over as far as I can see.

> list will tell you it is part of the list etiquette we obey to cut down on
> the off topic posts.  You'll learn that with time though.
> Am I upset at you?  Of course not.  Never was, kind of found it amusing
> actually.  Although it was kind of shock to come in and see that
> to me.  I had of lots of questions but my first concern was for perserving
> my fine upstanding reputation on this list.  And I am thankful that you

You mention fine upstanding reputation twice.  I am not altogether sure
actually has a fine upstanding reputation on a mailing list.  We're just
who contribute to make a list come alive...

> you're not upset at me.  After all, you could have tried shut down my
> tried to infect my pc with countless viruses like you said, but I know
> you're not that kind of person, depsite that horrible death threat you
> to me after my original post.  All computer systems are still go here
> on wood) so that's a good sign.

Anyone who has been in computers since 8, and is 24, obviously knows things.
I don't have time to gather viruses, and launch them against you.  When I
17, I sure would have, but I have grown up.  However, if anyone knows how I
can launch one into the IRS's computers, please drop me a message.  :)

> We are all traders here, bonded by the desire for financial freedom,
> life by our own rules, and the enjoyment from a great life that goes hand
> hand with good trading. To me that's a very strong bond and I feel that
> you.  I really do.  I want you to know that and that I can't be really
> with you.  Trading blood is thicker than any meaningless words that can
> between us, you know.  I just want you to know that.  I think we agree
> and I want you to know I am glad for that.
> You seem very bright and very capable and I really look forward to your
> posts not only about computers but trading too.  Someone who makes as much
> "cake" as you say you do trading futures (no less) in such relatively
> obscure markets like the NY dollar index, ought to have a lot to

DX rocks.  :)

> about trading. And your PC skills, my gawd, are already legendary -- no
> doubt we'll be hearing more from you about that topic.  I look forward to
> hearing your thoughts and I am glad that I have access to them through
> list. I am sure I will learn a ton.

Is this the same Brian who was debating vigorously re: Java with me?  No No!
This cannot be.  You're sounding like an angel.  Come on... bring out that
I know you want to (grin).

> You're always welcome to contribute real knowledge about trading or
> computers to me privately or better to this list.  In fact that reminds
> I posted a question and analysis about using Lunix with TS a couple days
> ago.  It asked about your thoughts regarding what you thought of using

Probably not adviseable.  I have more than one system.  It's for those who
realize the limitations of windows on the mind.  Gets out cobwebbs, enables
one to think differently about computers and information in general.  It has
benefitted my trading because it enables my mind to continueously grow.

> and TS.  I didn't see a response but with the commotion and all it
> just got overlooked. Or maybe you were still upset, who knows.  Anyway,
> since you're over that now, I would be very interested to hear about what
> trading platform you use and how you have your PC's configured for

TradeStation 4.0
BMI RealTime
Main: Dollar Index, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, British Pound.
TIme-frame: 3 days or less
Indicators used: none

I use price action and analyzing the markets with my eyes.  Some trendlines
make it a bit easier, and realizing if it doesn't go up, its going down, and
if it doesn't
go down, its probably going up and taking that into consideration with a
variety of
different viewpoints based on looking at charts during different times.  I
study the
market constantly:  With my bagel in the morning, my bagel for lunch, and my
for dinner.  :)

I don't trade everyday, because not everday is worth trading.  I look for
high probability
setups and then I bet large with stops that keep me in, but don't crush me
if they are hit.

> Good luck and god speed in your quests.  I look forward to all of your (on
> topic) posts.
> Best Regards,
> Brian.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [ tradergirl ] [mailto:tradergirl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> > Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 9:57 PM
> > To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject: ummmm... sorry
> >
> >
> > I just assumed that Brian got me kicked off.  I never ever asked
> > to have him
> > removed, but he asked to have me removed in the last couple of messages,
> > then suddenly, my messages bounced back from @eskimo.com telling
> > me I am no
> > longer a member.. and I just assumed that Brian succeeded somehow.
> >
> > I mean, I am not even mad at Brian, I don't really care, I mean, you
> > when someone is like that, it sort of puts you in a whole
> > different league,
> > and its not even something that affects you, even if his insults here
> > derogatory and crude.  It was like, hmmm.. okay if that is how he is,
> > is how he is.
> >
> > Okay anyways, I have a question, is anyone using TC2000 or trading
> > long-term?  I am thinking about using TC2000 I think it is called
> > specifically for my long portfolio, and using TS4 for my futures
> > Its a cheapie program, like free, plus like $39 a month, or $19.  I'd
> > to know the data specifications of the application as well (ASCII, or
> > proprietary).
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > TraderGirl
> >
> >