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ts4 and nt / win2k

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In answer to the query about using w2k and ts2K:

I've been running ts2k with win2k release candidate 2 and Mijenix fixit 2000
utilities for 3 months and have never had a ts2k crash, nor has any other
app ever crashed.

Once, when I ran  easy lang code that inadvertently divided by zero,
charting produced a white screen, and I merely  re-started ts2k and all was

Here's how to run ts2k with win2k and fix it utilities 2000 from

All of the below maint. tasks involve Mijenix.com Fixit 2000 Utilities (No
spam; independent trader; not connected with Mijenix):

First, go to the Mijenix hardware section and completely check out the
hardware in your computer;  do all items including ram, cpu, video, etc.
Unless you have a loopback connector, your printer and com port tests will
not pass.  If as far as you know they are working, don't concern yourself
with the loop back test.  Now you know your hardware is clean.

If you bring in more than 15 symbols follow these steps twice a week;  if
less than 15, you may get away with once a week on the weekends:

1)  Go to a command prompt, type chkdsk c: /f.  You will be queried to run
this at boot.  Answer yes.  Shut down, and watch while w2k does a check disk
at boot.  Do this for all of your drives.

2)  Go to Mijenix registry cleaner.  Check through the manual first, and
then clean out all orphaned and invalid registry items.  Leave yellow and
red items alone. The first time, you may find hundreds. Read the manual and
be careful about what your delete;  its all saved anyway, so you can restore
if you err.

3)  Go the disk section, and remove all unused or unnecessary files that you
have so far failed to erase.  Be careful; only delete what you are sure is

4)  Clean out your internet cache and your recycle bin.

5)  Go to the disk section, and verify that all files can be read.  Check
for any un-readable files.

6)  Now, run a complete HD defrag and space optimization from the Disk
section.  If you have a big disk (>6 megs) this may take up to 45 minutes.

7)  Go to the properties tab.  Check that you want to defrag all boot files
(including the page file) upon the next boot.  Shut down your computer and
let the system defrag all boot files.

8)  There are other tasks you may wish to run to further check out your hd
and clean your computer.  Read the manual.


Now, notice how much faster and smoother your computer is running.

Many of you fellows are driving yourselves and others on this list nuts
because you have dirty machines, or hardware problems that were never
checked out.  Many of you are not maintaining your machines properly. Many
have hundreds of invalid registry items. Many of you are unnecessarily
uninstalling fixpacks, re-installing ts2k, etc., because you never cleaned
out invalid registry items and you never defraged your hd,  boot and page

The Norton Utilities pale in significance when compared with what you get in
Mijenix.com Fixit Utilities 2000 (No spam; am independent trader, no
connection with Mijenix).

If you are running ts2k allocate about 250 megs of hd space for your page
file (This is set up in My Computer).

If you have more than one HD, put your page file on you least used HD.

Ts2k with a few symbols is ok with 128 megs of ram;  with lots of symbols,
get 256 megs.

Fixit Utilities 2000 for NT4 or win2k is about $40 and that plus win2k are
the best investments I've ever made.

Good trading to you all.