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CL_data vendors Futures

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I'm a Day Trader, retired engineer,retired Navy carrier pilot & retired
businessman and have never worked for any business / anyone associated with
trading systems or data vendors. When you think data, think pipe. If a 1
inch pipe ( band width ) will yield 1 gallon of water in 1 minute, - - a 2
inch will yield 4 gallons. So problem solved ? For the engineer, YES - -
But up steps Marketing, and they add, weather, news, stocks, options and
some guru's input ( they all generate revenue ) to the data flow and now we
" garbage in = garbage out ".

A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link - - and I believe the
first weak link a trader is confronted with is DATA.
BMI data - - I'm receiving it, while those in S. Texas report it is out.
BMI's satelite is over Texas, so (1) this could be a problem for some, at
times (2) " sun spots " could also account for it or (3) a local power
outage and a non-auto reset of the BMI box could be the culprit and must be

Is my BMI data delayed some ? Yes, - - But so are all the rest !
Most of the data ( if you trace to the source) is purchased from Bridge, so
the delay sequence is CME ( to use them as an example ) to Bridge, to BMI
the vendor in question) to Sat / FM / cable, to your serial port { OR a
possible really slow source is via the Net, - - where there are multiple
weak links ( called " backbones" ) } - - all are delays of some
magnitude. No, UMD is NOT a solution, yet, nor anything via the Net, unless
the link is satelite direct to you.

If you are observant when you visit a Chicago or NY floor desk, you will
see about 85% ( my call ) CQG inputs ( or you can call several floor brokers
and ask the same question ). So, in my humble opinion, CQG is the BEST
Futures data available in the US. It is via satelite ( & net) @ 9600 baud,
but is " compressed " data and Futures Only { for the most part - - there
are guru inputs if you opt for them }.
Medody Baker 800-525-7082 - - @ cqg.com - - www.cqg.com
<http://www.cqg.com> ]
Support Colorado Springs, NY City, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Milan & Moscow.
In data comparisons I have done, CQG is 2 to 3 seconds behind CME ( the
only source of data I made ) - - BMI ran 2 to 6 seconds normally ( BEHIND
CQG ) and as much as several minutes behind them in " fast markets ". CQG,
like your Infiniti,BMW,Mercedes or Lexus is MORE expensive.

I've heard some say " (1) Let's sue BMI (DBC the owner) and (2) make
them transmit at 56k. Well, we traders did sue Signal ( DBC ) some yeras
ago and won - - won what - - we got One (1) months data fees and a " free
switch to another vendor " , the attorneys got the rest. I would guess a
threat of this sort - - " would be water odd a dusk's back " ! - - { CQG
is non-contractural i.e. you can try for any length of time and quite, like
Sears - - no questions asked }. BMI does transmit @ 57,600 baud - -
there is a patch on their site for this }
- - B U T Catch 22 - - if you use it to set your BMI Box to receive
at this higher baud, OMEGA's TS 4.0 WILL NOT RECEIVE IT ! ! ; however,
BMI's platninum Edition will ( a splitter of NO HELP, as the function is
within the BMI Box, NOT a function of TS.

So, what's in between - - or Value / Dollar. Many might say DTN ( who
buys from Bridge ) and if you elect this route, i.e. a 3 or 4 inch pipe, to
achieve the results you believe you will get, you will have to use something
greater than your present UART 16,550 serial port.

Points I am trying to convey: 1- If you trade Futures - - and
time of data reception is important to you, SELECT the BEST futures data
source available - - ( I didn't try to fly to Hanoi in a Sopwith Camel - -
it was my tailpipe "on the Line" ). 2- Your CPU / board is
processing / displaying ( even the slowest ELA code ) faster than the Market
Data input, so if you are using a 333 mhz & 100 board with SDRAM, - -
going faster will not allow you to see much, if any improvement in your
displayed calculations / data bars.

OUTLOOK: We are in need of better data, so we must search for and
hopefully find it. { Tiny ( Steve Yates ) is looking for, or writing
something along these lines for TWX }. Mark may soon finish his first
release and we will see if, as a group, we can utilize his VB or VB Script
a high learning curve ) better than what is now available and referred to
as a Language for generating useful code. Don't let this bother you, you
can have it coded from India, fairly cheap.

If this happens, then we can weigh the costs of newer - faster - CPUs
and Boards vrs our displayed desired results or systems. If you have deep
pockets, like Bill Gates or Mark Brown, and WANT the Cheapest & Fastest, - -
then Build your own from the shell offered by Kyro Tech in Columbia, S.C.
An overclocked AMD chip @ 1 gighz (1,000mhz) and a GigaByte 200 board
Athlon ) from Taiwon.

Good Hunting & Trading to all. Intruder John