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Medical Stock - update

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Most everyone now knows the name of the stock and product.

Zicam reached the front Page of USA TODAY.  - lots of free advertising and
it launched the product right off the shelves of 50,000 stores in the USA.
(that upset the journal who was going to publish the study, )  or was it a
Guerrilla tactic?

We can now reduce our common colds to 1 1/2 days.  ..... with that news,
ZICAM has been literally sold out in all stores.

Here is an UPDATE ON GUMM  ---  excellent !

 * * http://www.siliconinvestor.com/stocktalk/msg.gsp?msgid=11853572

last week alone, roughly 600,000 units were ordered from stores caught
without ZICAM.

$1.75 is the net profit for GUMM per unit.

Next news:
Nicotine Gum worldwide == that is what the company said at shareholders
meeting == big international company.

If you live in a country outside the USA, go to http://www.ZICAM.com to
order the product online.
Next year ZICAM should be available internationally.
