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Re: article "triggering your trading signal"

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Wrong?  Where does it error?  As far as I can tell it is the same code on
page 90 of the November issue in the section titled "Target Price in
EasyLanguage".  It would be a simple matter to add the plots of the two MA's
along with the bogiePX.


----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Baker <chrisbak52@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 1999 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: article "triggering your trading signal"

> The code posted by Robert was incorrect.    I have inserted corrected code
> below.
> I coudn't post this to the Code List as my name was rejected (even though
> I'm on
> Code List.)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <rickinri@xxxxxxx>
> To: <code-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Saturday, October 23, 1999 3:28 PM
> Subject: article "triggering your trading signal"
> > Saw a interesting article on article "triggering your trading signal"
> > by B Cotton on TSC web site found it hard to understand .Author
> > said that EL code and a better explanation was on page 90 of the
> > November issue, dont subscribe any more and cant seem to find a
> > place on the web site to purchase the current issue, has any one
> > seen the code and could post it on the list?
> > I have 20 or 30 old copies of TSC that are anyones for the asking
> > late 80's and early 90's
> > Rick
> >
> {Plots Price where two Moving Averages are equal
> Inputs:
> LengthS = Length of Short Average
> Length of Long Average is set by MaxBarsBack
> i.e. MaxBarsBack set to 30 means the Length of the Long Average = 30
> This code plots the two moving averages (Plot1 and Plot2) and the price
> that would cause the averages to be equal (Plot3), if it's within
> 10 points of the current High or Low.
> To verfiy the results you can plot the difference between the two moving
> averages and the
> difference between a moving average and the equalization point.   To do
> comment out the plot statements and use the code that is commented out at
> the end.
> The difference between the M.A. Equalization point and the long moving
> average will
> almost equal 0 when the difference between the moving averages also equals
> 0,
> confirming the code below works correctly.
> Calculations are of course approximations because ELA variables are
> to
> 6 significant digits.   However the results are reasonably close.
> Input: Price(C), LengthS(10), LengthL(MaxBarsBack);
> if CurrentBar = 1 then begin
>  value11 = LengthS - 1;
>  value12 = lengthL - 1;
>  value15 = LengthL - LengthS;
> End;
> value1 = 0; {Sum 1 to LengthS-1}
> value2 = 0; {sum 1 to LengthL-1}
> value3 = 0; {Sum for Avgerage Short}
> value4 = 0; {Sum for Average Long}
> For value0 = 0 to value12 begin
>  value5 = Price[value0];
>  if value0 <= value11 then value3 = value3 + value5;
>  value4 = value4 + value5;
> End;
> For value0 = 1 to value12 begin
>  value5 = Price[value0];
>  if value0 <= value11 then value1 = value1 + value5;
>  value2 = value2 + value5;
> End;
> value5 = value3/LengthS; {average short}
> value6 = value4/LengthL; {average long}
> value7 = Round(LengthS*value2/value15 - LengthL*value1/value15, 2); {Price
> that would converg}
> Plot1(value5, "Short Avg");
> Plot2(value6, "Long Avg");
> if value7 > L - 10 and value7 < H+10 then Plot3(value7, "Converg");
> {Code to plot moving average and equalization point differences.
> value8 = value7 - value6;
> Plot1(value5-value6, "Diff");
> if value8 < 10 and value8 > -10 then begin
>  Plot2(value8, "Converg");
>  if (value8 < 0 and value8[1] > 0) or (value8 > 0 and value8[1] < 0) then
>   value0 = TL_New(Date[1], Time[1], value8[1], Date, Time, Value8);
> End;
> Plot3(0, "One");}