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Re: the value of productive complaining

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----- Message d'origine ----- 
De : <tradejacker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

> complaining has value.
> so complainers are indeed productive.

Complaining has no value, mostly when they are made by people whom this is the business or main occupation.

> i encourage everyone to reject om's pseudointellectual arguments and complain regularly and loudly, because these lists are monitored, not only by omega, but their competition. example: the ts4 y2k patch was produced (ie, of value) by complaining backed by the threat of lawsuit. this is fact.

Nonsense #one:
 The TS4 patch would have existed without bothering us on this list for months.
It has been announced ( but delayed for technical reasons) far before reading  10 posts a day regarding to this thread.

> another example: ts2ki trial users have had their free trials extended by six months. again, this is the result of productive complaining back by the threat of mass returns of omega's products.

Nonsense #two: 
This has nevver been requested on this list and  the resulty is due to Omega sole policy.

> another example: tradelab and traderware have come into existence because of complaints on this list. these will threaten omega's prominence in the future.
Nonsense #three:
The products have come to existence!!!!????????!!!!!!
What existence?
Can you tell me the name of ONE user currently using these products that are not yet available, if they ever will be some day ?
For the moment, they are useful only to screenshot capture program vendors.

> so, complaining works, and has value, if by nothing more than spurring stubborn companies like omega or their competition like metastock or helping create new >companies like tradelab or traderware or ...
> complaining has value and is productive. so complain loud and hard to drown out the noise of om's inane babblings.
Nonsense #four:
Complaining has a value: It allows to self prove that the complaints were legitimate, by attribution of benefits that they never have produced.
This is old as the world is ,and you should read the La Fontaine's fable " La mouche du coche".
Maybe even Esope has written one on the same subject, thousands of years ago...
Nothing new under the sun...

Nonsense #five:
> TJ


-Pierre Orphelin
 web: http://www.sirtrade.com