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Re: Ross Hook

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To all on the list that have been posting and reading about the Ross Hook,
may I offer my opinions (they're only opinions, but at least they are all
mine learned from the school of hard knocks).

Many traders start out by reading and/or following many different authors.
Joe Ross was one I started with.  Joe's writings are not easy for me to
follow... Joe is dyslexic and writing is not his forte.

Early on, I got several items from him (Optures and Futions, Trading the
Ross Hook, Tapes and manual on placing orders).  All of these are available
for very cheap prices compared to what I paid for them.

I now consider Joe Ross to be a sly scamster making his money off of books
and any other publications or seminars that he can push on to the public.
His biography is quite open to question.  He claims that he is selling
trading methods that were handed down through his family.  More than one
source has called his biography and claims in question.

If you can or have made money by following his methods, then I wish you the
best now and in the future.  I personally do not believe that Joe Ross could
profitably manage money for an extended period.  To my knowledge, he has
never revealed his trading successes or failures.  And when asked to show
his record, he has gotten irate and refused (reference: Club 3000

I don't agree that every method developer, analyst or whatever needs to have
a profitable trading record to make valuable contributions to real traders.
However, when a person DOES claim that he has been "highly successful" using
his methods, then that person should be willing to back up his claim with
documentation.  Joe Ross will not do this.

Disclaimer: No relation with Joe Ross other than I consider myself a fleeced
lamb that has grown into ram.

Ross Kovacs
