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Trading Reference Links

Any of you read any business books?  If you did, you'd know that the current mantra of businesses which ship unique products is:

"Don't worry - be crappy."  

Get the product out the door and fix it after you get it to market.  (See Guy Kawasaki's book "Rules for Revolutionaries".)

The Omega Man
(A Revolutionary)

Bill Wynne wrote:

Dear PO:

If Omega was on the job you would think they could at least collect clean data for themselves. The data they have for their FTP site is full of holes, frequent 15 minute gaps intraday (indicative of the time it takes to reboot after a crash).

You must conclude either:

A) Their computers running TS are crashing on a regular basis

and / or 

B) they are unable to configure their systems to collect from the data feeds they support.

Which do you think? I agree with you on some things, but you undermine your credibility with your blind faith in Omega. I have used TS since 1991. It is 
the best product of its kind, but Omega is frequently lazy and incompetent.  If they had an in house trader beta test new releases for a few weeks before 
release they could eliminate a huge percentage of correctable glitches (like inaccurate data in the symbol universe (for obscure markets like the Dow) 
months and even years after release). I talked with Bill Cruz about this type of thing several times, years ago. Nothing ever changes. Clearly the emphasis 
is on marketing the newest, latest, greatest gizmo and not quality. That is the beef, or should I say the rooster. Maybe you should send your rooster on 
to Omega. After all, they have been flipping us the bird for years.

Bill Wynne