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Sneaky Vendor?

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Hi tj, you wrote on 7/19/99 4:46:40 PM:

>wellllll, this trade is the exception rather than the rule, isn't it?

see my next comment

>looking at the daily average true range for the last several months, dx
>has traded in a 50-60 point range. today's volatility spike is 3 times

50 points here.  50 points there.  Add it up, it will be just like the 103 
points made today, but just over a few more days.

>some questions.......
>-are ya a vendor promoting the next wunder system in currencies? vendor
>bullseye jim's quick congrats made me wonder. sorry, i'm not the
>trusting type, especially when it comes to vendors and this list <g> 

Sure, I will sell you my system for $0, if you sell me yours for $0.  Send 
me an e-mail, describing yours, and I will send back an e-mail describing 
mine.  I also trade indicators, and believe in opensource indicators and 
systems, for modification, and for implementing into your own system.

>-what's the account size (roughly)? to see if you're overleveraged and
>tempting mr blow out

Oh yeah, I was overleveraged.  BIG TIME! I was controlling something like 
$1,000,000 - with what, $6000? (this is why daytrading is the way)  Of 
course I had tight stops.  Worse comes to worse, I would have lost 
$1250-$1700 at most.  Even still, that is a profit/loss ratio of: 10 to 
like one and a half.

>-what are the system or method stats? methinks this trade is atypical.

atypical?  Watch the British Pound and Japanese Yen especially.  You'll 
start to see that the atypical is now becoming the typical in the currency 

>if i dinna ask theses ?'s, someone else would. yes, life does not begin
>and end with the s&p. and no, i'm not jealous, it just seems damn
>peculiar. a lot of what your talking about is typical newbie stuff,
>like emphasis on low margins, leverage, small accounts, and the like. i
>only hope to be talking with ya in 5 or 10 years, but hell man, at a
>clip of $10k/per day, you can retire in a year :))

What would you do if it was setting up the classic fall?  Wouldn't you 
bet large?  Any professional would.  I'm not going to get rich when the 
market is going to crash if I sell one contract.  Might as well sell as 
many as possible.  Now if everyone else out there starts doing this, then 
we have more selling than buying.  What happens?  It starts going down.  
Why be timid?

>good luck.....really!!!
>great shooting kid, don't get cocky! -hans to luke