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Re: A Thought for the 4th

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First, when you write "...the truth about Klinton...", that is an oxymoron,
and I emphasize the third and fourth syllables, "mor-on" when describing

Second, for you and all the socialists on this list (and since you brought
up Rush) temper your love for Klinton and read some facts.  These are before
Klinton, before the Omega List, and before any White House spin.  These
facts are indisputable; they are firmly entrenched in our Republic's

Spend a couple of minutes and dollars to request "The Americans Who Risked
Everything".  Copies might be obtained from The Limbaugh Letter, 2 Penn
Plaza, 17th Floor, New York, NY  10121; 1-800-457-4141.  Politics aside,
"The Americans Who Risk Everything" relates what sacrifices American
patriots made 200 years ago, so we all - yes, even Klinton - can enjoy the
freedoms we have today!

-----Original Message-----

From: Robert W Cummings <robert.cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Gerald Marisch <gm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Alexander Levitin <alevitin@xxxxxxxx>; Robert W Cummings
<robert.cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx
<grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: July 4, 1999 11:50
Subject: Re: A Thought for the 4th

>Gerald two things I'm better at than trading one is golf the other is
>debating. One of the first things you learn about debating is to be able to
>take either side of the debate. I once won a debating contest about the
>evils of smoking, and big tobacco while smoking.
>In your post I could counter every negative thing you said with a positive
>truth about President Clinton. Problem with that is I wouldn't get anything
>for winning this debate. Secondly I could never change your mind about
>Clinton nor do I have a great stake in accomplishing that. Inspite of all
>this I like reading your posts on this list. Although I'm on the other side
>of the fence on this issue I can appreciate your passion and spirit heck
>you probably like Gingrich. That's the great thing about America we will
>always fight among ourselves as Americans but join together to defend her
>against all others. Happy Fourth of July Gerald and be sure to tune in to
>At 10:11 AM 7/4/1999 -0500, Gerald Marisch wrote:
>>I'll write your inane comments about Komrade Klinton off as the driest of
>>humor.  No American in their right political mind could ever conceive this
>>closet pedophile, this perjurer, this all-but-convicted felon as "...a
>>On the other hand, you may be a died-in-the-wool Democrat liberal with his
>>head in political sand or up your a**.
>>Klinton's administration has been an unabated series of lies, deception
>>Orwellian "double speak".  Can anyone forget Klinton's, under-oath,
>>perjurous answer of  "Depends upon what the definition of 'is' is"?
>>And can anyone forget the wagging finger and statement, "I did not have
>>with that woman Monica Lewinsky", that costs $50 million of taxpayers
>>to establish a criminal cover-up and finally find the truth.  Oh, I
>>that wasn't sex ("It matters how you define 'sex''", Bill Klinton) and a
>>person's sex life, even if it wasn't sex, is a private matter.
>>Klinton promised the American people no new taxes during a 1992 campaign
>>then implemented 24 new taxes his first elected year.
>>Recently, Komrade Klinton's administration "found" $1 trillion.  Is their
>>bookkeeping that inept?  I think I just answered my own question.
>>its "legacy-building" time - and to hell with America.
>>Klinton has been directly or indirectly responsible for the treasonous
>>transfer of security secrets to a Communist dictatorship whose long-range
>>goal is domination of our Republic.  And then Klinton - AGAIN - lies about
>>his knowledge of it.
>>Foreign policy?  A total an unmitigated disaster.
>>Foreign aspirin factories are mistakenly blown up.   Foreign consulates
>>"mistakenly" bombed because of faulty maps (and if you believe that one,
>>I interest you in some Whitewater..., eh, excuse me... swamp land?).
>>Foreign American embassies - AMERICAN SOIL - and American citizens blown
>>and no military intervention is forthcoming in response.  Military troops,
>>whose mission is America's defense, are deployed to every third-rate
>>country, for THAT country's defense / peacekeeping.
>>And during some military conflicts, adequate munitions and armament are
>>denied our troops, resulting in their bodies being dragged through the
>>streets.  Oh, you don't remember Somalia??
>>Maybe we should all send Klinton toy soldiers so he can play "Pretend
>>Commander in Chief" while getting oral sex in the oval office.  No
>>sons or daughters would be killed that way.
>>Closer to home, let's talk about our economy.  When first elected, Klinton
>>attempted to take over 1/5 of the American economy through his wife's
>>"medi-care" fiasco.  The jury is still out on how dismal a failure this
>>socialistic endeavor would have been if enacted.  Bi-partisanship?  Thank
>>God bi-parisanship defeated this measure.
>>OK, Klinton's restored our "failing" economy you say?  Our lofty levels of
>>the DOW have been achieved not BECAUSE OF Klinton, but IN SPITE OF
>>His moral depravity pre-occupied him sufficiently to allow the private
>>sector to earn profits with minimal government control.  Oh, for there to
>>NO GOVERNMENTAL CONTROL, especially under this Klown's watch!
>>Tax cuts and private-sector initiatives?  Now we come to Klinton the
>>Steal Republican legislation, claim it as your own and enact it with great
>>Shall we go on?  We can.  But in the interest of not wanting to monopolize
>>internet time, email me your arguments.  I'll respond publicly so all on
>>this list can judge how "great" or treasonously-corrupt is Komrade
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Robert W Cummings <robert.cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>To: Alexander Levitin <alevitin@xxxxxxxx>
>>Cc: grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx <grisham@xxxxxxxxxxx>; Omega List
>>Date: July 3, 1999 17:39
>>Subject: Re: A Thought for the 4th
>>>I think history will find President Clinton judged as a great president.
>>>Accusing President Clinton of not treasuring our constitution completely
>>>void of any merit. Wondering how somebody who expresses such gratitude
>>>our freedom can also harbor so much hate expressed in found less
>>>Until the time comes when you have done 1/millionth of what President
>>>Clinton has done for his country your critical words will sound very
>>>hollow. You simply tell us what you've done for yourself which was
>>>interesting but nothing more. I also feel that every President we've had
>>>loved his country and guarded our constitution very much even President
>>>Nixon. The American public elects and keeps our presidents never under
>>>estimate their wisdom.
>>> How can we have such a president and be happy with him? How our
>>>>military could have such commander-in-chief? I do not care if president
>>>>a peanut farmer, actor, grocery shop owner, soldier and likes many
>>>>But he should treasure the principal of  our constitution more then his
>>>>life, because the life without such principals is not a life at all. Did
>>>>sell our souls for 10,000 on the Dow?