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RE: TRUTH from Mark Brown Re: Blather from Mark Brown

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Honestly, I do not care about the issue advertising = good review or getting
a review.
I have been reading TASC from 10 years and I see when there is something
like this and I do not care since anyone can understand it. This does not
take away the ideas / merits that sometimes I really found in TASC. Maybe
too much advertising as a percentage of the magazine: this would be my only
critic. I do think it is enough to be just aware of these things. Examples:
Keith Fitschen advertised Aberration for ages before getting a review (so
this make a good point to TASC). PS I didn't like that review anyway!
Reading the review of Dual Trust I was able to understand the logic of the
system (very very easy) and looking at the site I got the confirmation of my
ideas: so I was able to save the money to buy that system since I recreated
it without problems. Thanks to who? to TASC. So I am quite happy with the
magazine: not all the issues are "smashing" but I do believe it is really
difficult to put a magazine on technical analysis every month. For me the
best part of it are the interviews: reading them even after a long time is
really inspiring sometimes. So, please, think about trading and developing
systems. Mark Brown is great but has an "italian" character (I like
that!!!): just do not mess with him on certain subjects UNLESS you know the
matter really with real facts.

My humble and simple opinion.

Riccardo Ronco (BNA London)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alan Myers [mailto:a.myers@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 19 June 1999 15:56
> To: Mark Brown; Doug Forman; Thomas J. Vetter; Neal Hughes
> Cc: JSweeney@xxxxxxxxxxx; omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: TRUTH from Mark Brown Re: Blather from Mark Brown
> Here's the litmus test - if TASC publishes an article about
> TraderWare, I'll
> believe that it is not editorially tainted.  That is, unless Mark
> has signed
> up for a long term contract :~).
> From an editorial point of view, this could make a great story.  Trader
> makes trading software for other traders.  From a financially rewarding
> point of view for the magazine, it sucks.  We all know that J.
> Sweeney knows
> about it's existence.  If the magazine has it's readers interests
> at heart,
> it'll publish a TraderWare story.  If it has only financial interests at
> heart, we'll never see a TraderWare story.
> ~Alan
> >The whole thing started when Sweeney said it doesn't happen and
> challenged
> >me to show proof, and I have so I'm done.  MB