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Re: traderware X release date

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yes, and good, so that those of us with the porsches don't need to
fiddle around with trikes. when you're tooling down the autobahn, who
needs to park? port your sirtrade dll to tw (sir traderware? :)) and
increase your business dramatically, i'll bet.

give me a well documented series of languages (vb, fortran, whatever
"my" choice) to run my systems on instead of that abomination called
easy language, which generated only "two" how-to books in over 10
years. you're right, it "may" be powerful, but who knows except the el
insiders called orsp's and a whole new generation of scammers (not all,
but most) that omega's created. sure sounds like scam to keep newbies
in the dark so as enrich the pockets of the pollution providers.

good thing about tw is that when you want to test a system, you don't
have to load a chart like in that abortion called ts2ki. ain't that
right, mark? pete, tell me when you can load an entire s&p500 1 min
history (from 82-present) using ts2ki without barfing its guts, run an
optimization test without getting the windoze blue screen of death, and
then i'll take a serious look at it. hell, you're the one who advocates
long data histories when testing systems. so loading 1.6 million 1 min
bars should be a snap :))


give me what i want, not what you think i need or want

hell, i'd bet that mark's already looking at linux and traderware :))
ya hoo, ain't competition great!!!!

--- pete from paris wrote:
> Yes, and it's easier to ride a tricycle than to drive a Porsche.

> I run a tricycle powered with a Porsche engine.
> It's easier to park.

> That's exactly what I understand.
> Most of users are unable to use the power of EL.
> They will not do better with some exception...

> Absolutely not.
> Safir -X is a C++ standalone object oriented application
> Sirtrade 97, 98 and  2000 are written as DLL's function
> EL is used to calculate the indicators and pass them to the Sirtrade 
> DLL functions.
> Certainly not...
> I know quite well how to use EL and external DLL's and additonal
> programs when necessary.
> When we developped Safir X, we used the Borland C++ compiler, and in
> any case we would have used VisualBasic.
> The new version ( 2.5 ) was built with  MS Visual C++
> What you do not understand is that there are several choice that make
> sense:
> Simple and easy specialized programming  that fit most of the need of
> the end user ( this is the case ofEL).
> High end application that need special programming ( mainly C++).
> + A link between both.
> VB solution all in one  is a bastardized one.
> You may think it's better than EL ( you rstrict my use of TS to EL
> only, what is wrong, but it does the main basic  or mid complicated 
> work).
> Recalls to me  a recent  discussion in Futures Mag on the fuure of
> technical Analysis ( Ruggiero and others).
> Most were out of the target:
> First they  think it's time to go back to Excel  ( Ruggiero), that
> only the new NN technology will work ( by the same who used the old
> one), that walkforward backtest and optimisation will be the future
> because of the speed of new processors, and new NN al Neuroshell with
> GA will solve the puzzle.
> The same agree to say that classical indicator do not work, and I
> demenstrated on my web site thta they work if properly used.
> All of these sollution rely on heavy calculation and in no case.
> So I disagree... 
> What makes me laugh is ttha it is what I have trued  5 years ago ( if
> you remember, we produced a NN GA automated tool, like
> NeuroshelTrader now, 5 years ago,   also a rule base GA generator,
> and a rule base generator [ Galvano  series].
> All DLL based and TS interfaced. In  1994-95.
> Not to speak of realtime walkforward and optimizaton that I wrote for
> TS4 years ago, and others things that you have never seen before.
> Now that I have switched to fuzzy logic and full automation, I can
> say that what we have done has some years in advance, and the proofs
> are here. You can even check by yourself for free.
> Even Bollinger is going to switch to fuzzy logic ( hummmm).
> Your goal is to reinvent the VB wheel for your next   Porshe ?
> OK, good luck to you, but next time, you can avoid to treat me as a
> child.