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Not sure what the driving force that enticed them to go electronic nor am I
aware of how the SFE working to date. Mark Brown is more privy of those
subjects than I and was the originator of the discussing this market.


At 05:19 AM 6/18/1999 -0500, Kevin wrote:
>As a member of the SFE, could you refresh my memory as to what was the
>driving force that enticed SFE to go electronic? And how is it working out
>so far? 
>>Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:12:42 +1000
>>From: Robert Bianchi <R.Bianchi@xxxxxxxxx>
>>To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
>>Subject: Australian Markets
>>Message-Id: <>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>The Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) has made 4th October 1999 as the date to
>>go fully electronic. Although I really doubt it. Alot of the SFE members
>>(including myself) have doubts that they will close the floor 3 months
>>before Y2K. The speculation is that they will probably delay the floor
>>closure until Jan/Feb 2000.
>>The most liquid products on the SFE are:
>>* Australian 90 day Bank bills ("bank bills" are the 90 day debt securities
>>issued by Aussie banks)
>>* Commonwealth 3 yr bond (the Fed Govt 3 yr bond future, it's the most
>>liquid futures on the SFE)
>>* Commonwealth 10 yr bond
>>* Share Price Index or SPI (the stock index future to the Aussie All ords
>>Robert J Bianchi - Director
>>Venitia Pty Ltd
>>Email : r.bianchi@xxxxxxxxx
>>Phone : 61-7-3899 9998
>>Fax   : 61-7-3899 8605

  • References:
    • SFE
      • From: Kevin