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You guys don't get it, do you?

This is not about lawyers.  This is about all maggots (clergy, politicians,
journalists, lawyers, ...) who derive their bogus livelihoods by the
destruction or theft of values produced by others.  It is about the
difference between honest, mighty, rational, productive value producers and
dishonest, lazy, mystical, altruistic, destructive vermin.

There is a fundamental choice in life:  to live by one's own productive
effort - by the production of values - or to live off the efforts of
others - by stealing or destroying the values others produce.  Lawyers have
chosen the second path and thereby made themselves worthy of our contempt.
They are value-destroying pip squeaks who never come to understand what it
means to create something of value.  They are, at root, dishonest.  Because
they know their own dishonesty they must rationalize their own self-esteem,
or they would kill themselves.

I will not take more of time to explain these things to you.  You must
educate yourself on the difference between the titans of business and the
unhappy clowns and slugs.  I ask only one thing:  Before you fire off
another meaningless reply, think about what I have written.  If, after truly
thinking about it, you disagree with me, then by all means, fire away.  But
think about it first.  Do you really disagree with what I've written?  Or,
deep down, do you know that it is the truth?

The Omega Man

----- Original Message -----
From: Rus Newton <rus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: omega list <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, June 11, 1999 5:14 AM
Subject: RE: LEARNING. Let's kill all the lawyers ...

> Nice post, tovarishch
> We may not like all the things lawyers do (class action etc) but we'd
> probably be worse off without them. Perhaps there are ways to curb their
> worst excesses?
> Rus
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexander Levitin [mailto:alevitin@xxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 10 June 1999 18:06
> To: omega list
> Subject: LEARNING. Let's kill all the lawyers ...
> Would it be fun to live in lawyer-less society? I did so for about 30
> years in former Soviet Union. Very simple court system. Judge appointed
> by the government and 2 "people representatives" selected by the judge.
> In the middle 70s (Ukraine) there was (for two years) complete absence
> of bread, milk, meat... Hungry "riots". Tanks and troops on the streets.
> Rounding of the "leaders". Friend of mine (19 years old) was arrested.
> In court he prove that he was not at the place of the "riot" (was in
> another city). Judge listen to him and send  him together with other for
> 5 years hard labor. When I wrote him a letter to his labor camp I get
> arrested and the policemen put loaded gun into my face and told me what
> he is going to do with me if I keep writing letters (I was 17 years
> old).
> Those who wants first hand experience of lawyer-less society could do so
> now on Balkans and in many African places. Over there are no lawyers.
> Conflict resolution is much simpler.
> Comrade Alex.