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Re: Out of Memory with TS2000

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My hardware configuration is similar to yours and I have been able to run
multiple software packages simultaneously.  Just to test the hardware and
software limitations, these were running today on one machine.  TS2K,
MetaStockPro, FibonacciTrader, MyTrack, AIQPro, OutlookExpress and IE4.0.
Getting to this point was not without a week of hair pulling and gnashing of
teeth.  One trick was to get the BMI datamanager configured correctly(see
omega faq from Melody and at the website) so it did not burn up disk access
time.  Another was to defrag the disk(should have done that before the TS2K
install).  Another is to keep the dram defragged with MemTurbo.  This is a
great tool for TS4 also since it is a selector hog and doesn't release
resources either.  Another was to start with a couple of dozen index symbols
and the OEX(OEY) option chain rather than download a plethora of historical
data.  Now that there are a few days of realtime data in TS2K I am
cautiously inserting indicators and systems. MSPro has three charts,
FiboTrader has a dozen, TS2K only two at this point.  Next step will be to
import historical data and add more charts and indicators to TS2K.  No doubt
the machine will come to its knees shortly and some applications will have
to be reduced or relegated to another machine. There is also a Lynksys
EtherFast 100BaseTx between the 400mhz and the 133pentium that I will try to
transfer the data over from TS4 to TS2K(sounds like a step backwards). The
need to use CtrlAltDel seems to have gone away as TS2 and Win98 have formed
some kind of truce.  Start up sequence seems to be important.
Start/Programs/OmegaProsuite should be configured to start the BMI data
manager(MktCenter is not needed).  If the BMI data manager is mistakenly
started first and then TS2K the BMIDM reverted back to MktCenter settings
and the hard disk was back to running the indy 500 with no pit stops.  If
things are configured right, memory isn't exhausted and the HD runs like it
should.  Am still fearfull of using the HistoryBankCD or HB.com as that was
a major sore point a week ago.  Haven't revisited that yet.  Omega is having
one of their seminars in PalmSprings this Sunday and I am really curious to
see if they bring a machine or just slides.  I would really like to see a
fully operational TS2K with many workspaces, charts, indicators, systems,
hint, hint.  Make me a believer with OptionStation and RadarScreen, Omega
are you listening?


-----Original Message-----
From: John Corrion <corrion@xxxxxxxx>
To: omega-list <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>; Omega Research
<TechSupp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Melody Blais <Melody.Blais@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 7:34 PM
Subject: Out of Memory with TS2000

>Hi Guys,
>Me too.  I am running out of memory with only 2 of the 40 charts that I
>still keep in TS4.  Further TS2000 does not release the memory or system
>resources when I get out but I am unfortunately using the
>cntl-alt-delete-end task exit method without choice.
>I am using a 400 mhz PII with 128 meg ram and over 11 gigs of hard disk
>open.  Norton Sys Info reports 2,034 Meg of system memory available with
>37.4 meg used.  Despite this I get out of system resources error
>messages from Win98 as a result of using TS2000.  I have to restart
>Win98 to run another program.
>I was running all 40 charts in TS4 with 64 meg ram while simultaneously
>running Excel and Netscape 4.5 without incident.  With TS2000, I have
>had to restart my computer 3 times tonight.
>I hope that the Omega service release fixes these problems.  There is no
>way that I can transition to TS2000 with these problems.