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Re: Please don't laugh & notes on RT2000i

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Thought you would be interested in knowing that I was an original user of
Metastock when it was a dos program using signal cable box for data. I did
not have to play games with global servers from signal or equity libraries.
All I had to do was type in a ticker and up would come the quotes. The RT
program cost me about $500 - I do not remember exactly what I paid for it it
was so long ago. I stopped using it and switched to Omega TS when I didn't
find Metastock powerful enough. Of course, it took me awhile to learn TS and
I still found that it was not doing what I really wanted since, among other
things, it would not enter a trade in the middle of the bar, which my system
needed in order to be properly tested. Add to the greater power of TS the
fact that I could download missed data from their website and the ease of
working with windows, I was happy to let Metastock stay on the shelf.
    When MS upgraded to windows I bought one upgrade and let that stay on
the shelf as well - I needed RT and the upgrade to windows was for EOD. When
they came out with the RT Windows or MS Pro as it is called, I was able to
upgrade to it for about $100. I could not resist. So I upgraded. Today I
received in the mail an offer to download from their web for free, a copy of
Dynamic Trading Tools or call them for a free copy on disk which they would
mail me. I will take them up on this offer because I intend, when I have
time, to see how well MS pro will do what I want. I guess, MS wants their
lost business back. In the meantime, I can tell you that the one thing that
already bothers me about MS Pro is that I have to run the quote window
either in Signal or in Excel. (Since I am not a programmer I hesitate trying
to run in excell). I find this just inconvenient because I either have to
keep my quotes behind my charts and vice versa and I will  have a quote
window which does not give me the same indicators that TS does.
For list information.
    I am running TS000i, not the prosuite, just TS5, if you would call it
that, on a 233 pII with 64K of memory. I have 3 workspaces open with about 4
charts and a quote page containing about 20 symbols on each all working
without a problem. As for my SP quotes, I have a direct line to the pit and
I find that there is no difference between the delay I experience with TS5
over TS4. I had no trouble loading TS2000i but I do have a problem accessing
the web site for Historybank.com. I get an Invalid page fault reading at
MSVCRT20.dll - I have no idea what this means. ( If anybody on the list
does, please help.) I have e-mailed Omega on Monday of this past week and
have not yet received an answer.
What also bothers me about TS which MS has over them are the number of data
sources available. Although TS can read about a half dozen EOD data styles
they now limit you to Dial Data and Historybank.com vwhereas MS allows
downloading from about a half dozen data sources for EOD.
    I hope this begins to answer your question - and perhaps adds to the
discussion - not in a vindictive way - in a constructive way about the pros
and cons about TS2000i.


P.S. I was a Beta tester for TS2000i. I believe the comments of MB about
Omega becoming a publicly traded company has a lot of merit.
I cant blame them for that - In all likelihood that is why they put out
TS2000i a bit early, after all, they are paying good money for the
programmers and they have to have some of that money coming back in. I would
hope that in time, and quickly too, they will bring out the next builds and
bring the program up to snuff. It really has the potential of being a great
program and making Omega a lot of money.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter2150@xxxxxxx <Peter2150@xxxxxxx>
To: Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 11:57 AM
Subject: Please don't laugh

>Question for the group, and no laughter please.   Has anyone here taken a
>recent look at Metastock Pro, and do they have any comments.