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Re:TS 2000i it runs and with TS 4 running

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Proud to say TS 2000i is running with charts, indicators and systems off
PC Quote internet feed (1000 or less symbols) and TS 4 is running at the
same time with datal feed off Cable modem on Com 2 BMI lite.  Running
Windows NT 4 service pack 3 with dual processors 450 mhz and 256 ram and
two monitors.

Could I have the record for slow, it took 4 days, many many
installations of both programs and lots of crashes, but data moved over
and converted and new data downloaded from Historybank.com. without
adding any new symbols.

I trade options and now can chart the bid on an option and apply a
system to it, very excited about that.

One problem I had importing data from TS 4 was some of the symbols had a
different date range and an error message popped up over and over again
that the process was the wrong date range or something.  I had to click
the ok box a zillion times and then it came over.  The first time I used
the enter key and when the pop up menu went away my enter executed the
abort field.

If anyone has any questions I'm sure I won't be able to help, but I'm

Program runs great and fast so far.
