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A friend of mine (really) is at loggerheads with his broker. The broker
has frozen his account and things are getting nasty.
If anyone has recommendations for a securities attorney, or suggestions
for tracking a good one down, I'm sure he'd be grateful.
Not sure if it makes a difference, but he lives in northern California.
By way of thanks for all I've received from the list over the past
couple years here's a few functions that some might find useful. Use at
your own risk. Corrections welcome.
Returns the all-time lowest value of a given input}
Input: Price(NumericSeries);
If barnumber = 1 then m.AllTimeLow = Price
Else if Price < m.AllTimeLow(Price)[1] then m.AllTimeLow = Price ;
Returns the all-time average for a given input}
Inputs: Price(numericseries) ;
Vars: Sum(0) ;
Sum = Sum + Price ;
m.AllTimeAvg = Sum / CurrentBar ;
Geometric average: log GA = 1/n * (log A1 + log A2 + etc.)
Fairly smooth for shorter lengths}
Inputs: Price(numericseries), Len(numericsimple) ;
Vars: Sum(0), Counter(0) ;
Sum = 0;
For counter = 0 to Len - 1 begin
Sum = Sum + Log(Price[counter]) ;
End ;
m.AveG = ExpValue(Sum / Len) ;
Returns True if N consecutive occurrences of Y condition occurred
This is not bomb-proof; I seem to recall experiencing some problems w/
Inputs: Cond(TrueFalse), Num(numeric) ;
If Cond then Value1 = 1 else Value1 = 0 ;
If Summation(Value1,Num) = Num then m.Consec = True
Else m.Consec = False ;
Returns the frequency, in % terms, of X Condition in N bars}
Input: Cond(TrueFalse), N(Numeric);
Vars: Counter(0) ;
Value1 = 0 ;
For Counter = 0 to N-1 begin
If Cond[Counter] then Value1 = Value1+1 ;
m.FreqPC = 100 * Value1/ N;
Well, that's enough of that.
Many thanks again to all for their helpful responses in the past ...
Cab Vinton