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Re: Linux

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I was a UNIX (the progenetor of LINUX) pioneer and have used it for
25+ years.  I also have a WinNT system on the desktop to run QCharts.

Linux is of a DIFFERENT quality than WinNT.  First of all, the windows
are "X Windows", not Windows 9x/NT windows and have a different look
and feel.  The window layouts are far more user-controllable in Linux
than in Win 9x/NT.

Like WinNT, the kernel of Linux is multi-tasking, which means that
many programs can run "at the same time".  Unlike WinNT, Linux can
be scaled up with multiple processors in a "linear" manner.  WinNT seems
to scale up to about 4 processors;  Linux can run more  ---  far more ---
esp. if done as an array of networked machines.

While there are far more packaged programs for WinNT, there are far
more free tools for Linux/UNIX.  Most of these have a technical bent
rather than the commerical/word-processing bent of WinNT.

The very best environment is one where one has a UNIX, such as Linux,
running right alongside the MacOS or WinNT applications, in windows
of its own.  I have that on my Mac and have yet to install something
similar on WinNT.  I can cut and paste to & from UNIX applications right
into EXCEL spreadsheets and Word documents on the Mac desktop.  My 
market prediction system runs on UNIX but the post-processing is in
EXCEL and the graphics are back in UNIX.  Cut from Mac into UNIX, run
the models, cut from UNIX into EXCEL, post-process and cut the results
back into UNIX graphics.  THAT is what the world will come to, IMHO.

IBM, just yesterday, announced even MORE support for Linux.  That's
serious firepower against Microsoft and their Windows cash cow!  IBM's
cachet can carry Linux into the corporate enterprise and many board
members (of those I know) are asking "What about this?".

With the "right" software development tools today, it is possible to
write code once and generate applications (one-at-a-time) that will
run on:  Mac, Windows, UNIX, Linux, Palm Pilots, Sony Playstations, and
Nintendo 64s.  Seriously.  I don't think you can strap a GameBoy to
the back of your cellular phone and run TS  ... yet  ...  but it is
certainly coming.

Rob Lake
> First of all, you should really compare Linux to
> WinNT and only in some respects is it of a
> "higher quality"...it all depends on what you
> are looking for.  I'll bet my back-teeth that
> TS4 will not run on Linux though.
> - Akeel Din
> >Will TS4 run on Linux software, seems this
> software is of a higher quality
> >than Windows 95/98 operating systems.
> >
> >Robert
> >