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RE: Need help with TS block and laptop/infrared port issue

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I can't see how TS "knows" that your laptop has an IR port, especially if
it's disabled.

You can check the security block communication without TS by using a utility
from this web site:


	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Ted Hearne [SMTP:ted.hearne@xxxxxxxxxxx]
	Sent:	Wednesday, February 24, 1999 9:49 AM
	To:	omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
	Subject:	Need help with TS block and laptop/infrared port

	Hello Omega list, 

	We have a sticky problem that maybe some of the impressive computer
	here can assist with.....

	The problem is that we have an urgent need to put TS on a laptop for
use on
	an out-of-town trip.
	We need this for analysis only, not for real-time data.  We have
	loaded all TS files but are unsuccessful in being able to move the
	block from our main Dell machine to the laptop, and get a "won't run
due to
	missing security block message." 

	Omega tech support gave us lengthy instructions as to how to set up
	security block, but no go.  Then  they determined that the laptop
has an
	infrared port and they say that TS will not run on any machine that
hs an
	infrared port because that would make it possible to run two
machines by
	transferring data overth infrared port. (!!)   Well, gosh, we have
no such
	intent, just need to run the TS on the laptop while we are out of
town, and
	would move the security block from one machine to the other as

	We need help to find a workaround, as we are in the midst of huge
	projects and need the laptop with TS on it to make good progress.
	ideas out there? 

	Here are the specs: 

	1. infrared is currently software disabled. Hardware cannot be
removed, and 
	forces on reboot, the re-installation of any drivers I remove from
	system. Infrared is not listed in the BIOS. 
	2. Laptop is a Toshiba 2520 laptop. 
	3. Security block is on LTP1. 
	4. TS build is: 3.51.09 
	5. Works on LTP1 on the Dell Pentium 
	6. On a secxond Gateway 486 machine, it will run 
	only on LTP2. 
	7. On this Toshiba: the autoexec.bat 
	has SET SSI-ACT=2,2,50 
	due to the appropriate test recommended by Omega. 
	8. Omega states that security block will not 
	work on any machine that has infrared communications.


	Any comment or help would be greatly appreciated....

	Ted Hearne