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RE: Its a weekend, joke time!!

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Nothing on Clinton the intended target, why not include that in your search
results? Maybe we should make it mandatory for every elected president to
under go a 50 million dollar 4 year investigation and you and I can pay for
it. Then we need to devise some investigation spending limits say 10 and 20
million for Congressmen and Senators as well. We can appoint two special
prosecutors one for the Republicans and another for the Democrats. Rules no
holds barred anything goes like a knife fight. I'm fine with that just want
a level playing field. Either stop unfair partisan investigations are
precede with it one or the other. When this is over please tell me where
anybody gained other than the talk shows TV ratings. Starr is a paid
tobacco supporter and if it were up to him cigarettes would still be
available to our kids with camel Joe and Sony walkmans. Starr IMHO has a
worse character than Clinton any day and his record with tobacco company's
proves me right but he's no fool and doesn't smoke cigarettes.


 James R. Walker wrote:
>"only able to accuse one guy of a minor sex lie."?
>A quick search of "white water" and "conviction" brought up the following
>list of convictions through July 21, 1998 at
>Also remember, Starr has one year after President Clinton leaves office to
>lengthen this list.  He already has sealed indictments.
>. . .
>6) Webster Hubbell: Bill Clinton friend and political ally; Hillary Clinton
>Rose Law Firm partner: embezzlement; fraud; two felony convictions (Wall
>Street Journal "Whither Whitewater?" October 18, 1995)
>7) Jim Guy Tucker: Bill Clinton Arkansas political, business ally; was legal
>counsel to the McDougals and to Madison Guaranty; was lieutenant governor to
>governor Clinton and succeeded Clinton as governor; fraud; three felony
>convictions (Wall Street Journal "Second-Term Stall" February 11, 1997;
>Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20, 1998)
>8) William J. Marks Sr.: Jim Guy Tucker business partner; one conspiracy
>conviction; four years' probation and payment of $1 million in restitution
>(Associated Press "Whitewater Defendant Pleads Guilty" August 28, 1997;
>United Press International "Marks Gets Four Years Probation" May 19, 1998)
>9) Jim McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend and political ally,
>Whitewater general partner and Madison Guaranty banker: eighteen felony
>convictions (Wall Street Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)
>10) Susan McDougal: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend; former wife of Jim
>McDougal, Whitewater general partner: four felony convictions (Wall Street
>Journal "Immunize Hale" May 29, 1996)
>11) David Hale: Bill and Hillary Clinton friend, banker, and political ally:
>two felony convictions of conspiracy and mail fraud (Wall Street Journal
>"The Arkansas Machine Strikes Back" March 19, 1996)
>12) Chris Wade: Whitewater real estate broker; two felony convictions (Wall
>Street Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)
>13) Stephen Smith: former Governor Clinton aide; one conviction (Wall Street
>Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)
>14) Larry Kuca: Madison real estate agent; fraudulent loans (Wall Steet
>Journal "Hard Evidence From a Federal Investigator" August 10, 1995)
>15) Robert Palmer: Madison appraiser; one conspiracy felony conviction (Wall
>Street Journal "Hale Predicts Hillary Conviction" October 21, 1996)
>16) Neal Ainley: Perry County Bank president; embezzled bank funds for
>Clinton campaign; two misdemeanor convictions (Wall Street Journal "Arkansas
>Bank Shot" May 4, 1995)
>17) John Latham: Madison Bank CEO; bank fraud conviction (Wall Street
>Journal "Smoke Without Fire" January 12, 1996)
>18) John Haley: attorney for Jim Guy Tucker; misdemeanor guilty plea; tax
>fraud (Associated Press "Tucker Pleads Guilty to Cable Fraud" February 20,
>19) Eugene Fitzhugh: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor
>count of trying to bribe David Hale; is appealing a ten month prison
>sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants" February
>22, 1998)
>20) Charles Matthews: Whitewater defendant, pleaded guilty to two
>misdemeanor counts of bribery, served fourteen months of a sixteen month
>prison sentence (The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Whitewater Defendants"
>February 22, 1998)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ron Augustine [mailto:RonAug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>> Sent: Sunday, January 24, 1999 7:30 PM
>> To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
>> Subject: Re: Its a weekend, joke time!!
>> Ken Starr spent over $50 million of the taxpayers money over 4 years (and
>> isn't finished yet) and he was only able to accuse one guy of a
>> minor sex lie.