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Reluctant request for programming dharma; roman ytok

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too late monday nite

having read much of the transit material concerning os95-98-nt over the
months on this list and the TL list, i am appealing to those of u who have,
'kicked the habit', 'bit the bullet', & gone with nt.

i have invested more than i care to recall in highly customized
programming,insanely terminating in actually creating two additional
servers......and of course they r written by hundreds of hours of..16 code
of course. and what about all the DLL's? and monitor cards? and, and and??
there has got to
be several of u who have gone thru or who must go thru this eventually.

there was  previous discussion re 16bit vs 5.0ts/tl; well i have EVERYTHING
in 16....  the thought of RE writing thousands of lines of code is enuf to
make me swim at night, especially 'cause i didn't write most of it.

there are those of u who walk the fence between TS and TL.. my hesistance in
purchasing a different 00 compliant platform is the 'renewal cost' of
rewriting all of this stuff($, dvlpnt, $, debug; $, dvlpnt, debug, $, etc)..
although i'll have to do it anyway eventually... or will i?

i am aware of some issues arising with the use of ts and nt.... I have one
server/program running all by its lonesome which requires defragging every
night... haven't found a way around this, which is why nt/TL is appealing.
my understanding from the inside is Win2K will be the default platform
fairly soon, so i should get there "asap"...

r/is there anyone who has a boatload of 16bit programs and has already gone
the route to 32/nt? any shortcuts(i know bettah')? a magical clone of

do those of u in the know believe TL will be available SOON? the sensual
appeal of actually having framework existing to do what's been done already,
in a 'cleaner' way is irresistable...almost..am not naiive(wish i was) enuf
to believe it won't have a boatload of problems too.. AND i'd  have to find
an expert VB guy...man this feels/gets old.. if it weren't such a gas..

if i didn't have the very real need for additional speed, primarily due to
poor ts4.0 code and excessive rapppin' with the HD, i think i'd be almost
happy, almost..

any experiences/other would be much appreciated

(Helluva jump in Glo, eh shorties??? Ouchie!!!)



Dear Cassius,

Are you still working on the Y-zero-K problem?

This change from BC to AD is giving us a lot of headaches and we haven't
much time left.

I don't know how people will cope with working the wrong way around.

Having been working happily downwards forever, now we have to start thinking

You would think that someone would have thought of it earlier and not left
it to us to sort it all out at this last minute.

I spoke to Caesar the other evening.  He was livid that Julius hadn't done
something about it when he was sorting out the calendar.  He said he could
see why Brutus turned nasty.

We called in the consulting astrologers, but they simply said that
continuing downwards using minus BC won't work. As usual, the consultants
charged a fortune for doing nothing useful.

As for myself, I just can't see the sand in an hourglass flowing upwards.

We have heard that there are three wise men in the East who have been
working on the problem, but unfortunately they won't arrive until it's all

Some say the world will cease to exist at the moment of transition.

Anyway we are still continuing to work on this blasted Y-zero-K problem and
I will send you a parchment if anything further develops.
