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breakout with sound wave

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{system: Aroon fm Logan467@xxxxxxx, is that Andy@xxxxxx .net?
"Here's another breakout system created by Tushar Chande...it was printed in a
previous issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities. I find it to
be very useful and accurate.  Notes: it is effective for intrady and end of
day...it is one of the best
simple system I've ever seen. But that's my opinion-Andy."
He sends just the Arn_up/Arn_dn.  My changes/adds DMI filter and MACDiff trend

																			{Do not trade on rollover day}
{Data1 is the S&P 5min, Data2 is the Tick or the

Inputs: R(9),DMILen(10);
var: MAtick(0),MAavg(0),MADiff(0),avgMADiff(0),snd(false);

MATick=MACD(Close of data2,12,26);
MAavg=(XAverage(MACD(Close of Data2,12,26),9));
MADiff=(MAtick-MAavg);		{avgMADiff= WAverage(MADiff,3);}

IF Time >= 0900{Bond Session Sess1StartTime7:20} AND Time <= Sess1EndTime-1
	if Arn_up(R) crosses ABOVE Arn_dn(R) 
	and DMIPlus(DMILen)-DMIMinus(DMILen)>=0

		{ now check the trend of the Tick MADiff }
		and MADiff[3]<=MADiff[2]
		and MADiff[2]<=MADiff[1]
		and MADiff[1]<MADiff

						{Buy/Sell at the high/low-OB[1] to avoid buying into a negative bar,
dramatic effect on results}
	then begin
		buy at H[1]stop; 
		snd=Playsound ("C:\windows\media\ringin.wav");

	If Arn_up(R) crosses BELOW Arn_dn(R) 
	and DMIPlus(DMILen)-DMIMinus(DMILen)<=0

		and MADiff[3]>=MADiff[2]
		and MADiff[2]>=MADiff[1]
		and MADiff[1]>MADiff

	then begin
		sell at L[1]stop; 
		snd=Playsound ("C:\windows\media\ringin.wav");


Just for info -   here are the user Functions called Arn_up/Arn_dn used by
Aroon Breakout
e.g., Input of 25-last high 6 bars back=19/25or (.76)*100=76
So the further back the high,or low, then the smaller the fraction
causing the _up and _dn to decay and eventually cross}

{Inputs: R(Numeric);


Charlie Waring
Dallas, }