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Warning: Likely to offend someone [maybe everyone]...

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Folks on the Omega List:

The past three or four days, I have read six or seven or eight posts by people
that have never posted a question, a solution or even a view about someone
else's post proclaiming that the 'silent majority' should let its feelings be
heard and people should be thrown off the list. 

Now, I'm not your average systems coding guy, so I am not likely to ever post
free code for others to look at and use. I can only offer my thoughts, ideas and
approaches to the markets. I'm a professional trader. I have been since 1980.
There probably aren't too many people reading these posts that can say that.
Trading is a rough business. If it was easy, we'd all be retired. But trading
takes persistance, guts, creativity and sometimes it takes just plain
stubbornness and orneryness. I've known quite a few of the best traders in this
world and very few were saints. So when I read posts here, I am looking for
creative ideas and approaches to the markets--and in fact, as long as the posts
remain here on this forum, I could care less what style of language is used, as
long as the content of the posts are helpful. I'm here to share and I'm here to
learn, probably not in that order.

I read a post from yesterday or the day before and that person wanted to know
how many posts Mark Brown needed to make to 'pay' for the abusive language he
uses on this forum. Well, anyone that's been on this forum for any period of
time knows that Mark gives and gives and gives. Sure, he can rub people the
wrong way. I don't always agree with Mark--and I am certain he doesn't always
agree with me. But I think he posts here because he is looking at the ways
others approach the markets, and in return, he shares what he has to share. And
he shares ten or a hundred fold compared to what he gets in return--at least I
think he does.

The silent majority? The majority of people lose trading. I have no wish to ever
join that majority. I want to continue to master the tools I use. I'll gladly
share them here if people find them of interest. If the membership makeup of
this list is going to become a popularity contest, please count me out--I'll
find better uses for my time and energy. I don't blame the Sherrif--he's doing a
thankless and difficult job, and doing it well. I just want to remind the people
that are writing there first post, after silently soaking up other people's
ideas for the past umpteenth months, to remember that if you surround yourself
with people that are bland, you're not going to have many traders, successful
and otherwise.

I hear MB might be shown the door, so to speak. And we may have already lost
Gaius Marius. The ATI list went very silent once the content left it. This list
wouldn't do much better if we instituted a popularity contest to choose who can
join and who couldn't. Let me see...who'll give me 1000 of RoseLee's many fine
posts for one of Mark Browns? Or, I'll give you Earl's most helpful posts if
you'll just give me one helpful post that Bill made before he...well, you get
the idea.


Tim Morge