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Spam Panel

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  This is where I step in and present foundations for a proposal to a
The maintainer of the list has now been blatantly and unjustly attacked 
and you have bitten the hand that feeds you as per the following....

It is easy to filter out the trash but we should not need to. Comments from
Jim Osborn like .... while Mark was obviously rude and insensitive in his
reaction .. are a sign of weak ineffectual management. If Brown is being
rude to other members of the list then he should be unsubscribed.

  Why do you expect Jim to come to your aid? He's not your parent.

 The Proposal ......................

1) Donated space on a website would be designated for a Spam Panel.
2) The Spam Panel would consist of 4 members selected on weekends
    and serving short terms.
3) A voting window would be set up at the site. Those willing to donate
    their time for the following week(or whatever length the list deems
    appropriate), would submit their names to the ballot box.
       List members with list membership exceeding a certain 
    length(to prevent ballot stuffing) would be able to cast one ballot for
      Ballots would be counted and checked for legitimacy by the Sherrif or
    a Deputy.
      The top 4 vote-getters would be the Panel for the week( or period). 
    The next 4 would be alternates in the event that any Panel member
      became unable to volunteer that week.
4) Functions of the Panel: 
      The Panel would monitor spam on the list and discuss the severity of
    such amongst themselves via private e-mail.
      A majority decision of the Panel would be binding.
      Binding decisions would serve 2 functions.....
       1..Warning: Panel decides to post a warning to the list and to the
           individual receiving the warning. The warning would contain the
           e-mail in question and state the Panels intentions to submit the
           individual for expulsion from the list if any such post of a nature
           the Panel deems spam occurs again. The Warning would
           specify the reasons the Panel deems the post as spam in
           order to allow the violator to mend his or her future posts.
       2..Expulsion: Panel submits to the Maintainer of the List, a 
           recommendation of immediate expulsion.
           The Maintainer of the List is under no obligation to abide by the
           the recommendation for expulsion by the Panel.
5) Personal opinions of list members....
      Personal opinions of list (pro or con) members can be posted to the 
      Panel mailboard at the site. The opinions or suggestions would be
      directed towards the Panel(not to individuals) but open for all list 
      members to read.
      Opinions and suggestions would not be sent to Panel members
         Private attacks to Panel members on their private e-mail
      or posted to the list
      may be deemed Spam by the Panel and subject to the same rules
      for Warning and Expulsion as stated above.
      Remember, if you don't like a Panel decision, they are an elected
      short-term body.
