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Re: Free Trading Newsletter!-- Please Disregard

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as always, you've missed the point. but not surprising considering
your past bashing history on this list. 

brit bill pushed his wares for months while ignoring private and
public pleas to cease and desist. hence the the list "roast" over the
weekend. i note that your post generated a sizable amount of list
noise too while serving no purpose either. but, of course, you're not
covered by same rules as the rest of us, being above it and all.

if brit bill and his band of merry shills had the good sense and
manners to resist spamming the list in violation of the list rules,
then there would be little to no noise. and very little manual sales


oh yeah, i noticed you're still on this list.  what happened to the
omega no-bash list? i guess the urge to bash is to strong for you to
resist too!

---Ron Augustine <RonAug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Also a good example of how this type of inappropriate Post can be
diffused without the customary barrage of slander and bashing.